Chapter 7

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"What do you want?"

"I came to say I'm... I'm..."

"You're what now?"

He face palmed himself. "I'm sorry! There, I said it, I'm sorry!"

Then the door opened a crack to reveal a peek of Alice's face.

"I... forgive you."

Namjoon's face lit up. "You... do?"

"Of course. What you did may have been wrong, but the important thing is that you learned it was wrong and apologized."

Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples.

"T-thank you, Alice..."

"Now lets have some breakfast! I'm starving!" She skipped happily to the dining room as Namjoon watched her.

"It worked..." he said quietly.

He turned to see Jin giving him a soft smile and a thumbs up.


Later that day, Namjoon was in his office when he got a call on his desk phone.

*RiNg RiNg*

He picked up the phone.


"Sir, Red Velvet is planning an attack on the shelter. What should we do?"

"Get your weapons ready. I'll be right over."

He picked up his walkie talkie and contacted Yoongi.

"Come in Yoongi, over."

"Yes boss, Yoongi here, over."

"Red Velvet is planning an attack on our system today. Get the weapons ready and tell Alice to prepare my clothes."

"Yes sir."

He ended the call and started thinking about Alice.

'She's going to touch my clothes. My love is going to touch my clothes.' He thought.

The mere thought of her made him all mushy.

He walked out to her room and knocked on her door.


"Give me my clothes."

"I'll only do it if you ask me nicely please."

"I don't have time for your crap!"

"Come on sir, just say it the nice way."

"Ugh! I can't take this!"

He barged into the room and grabbed the clothes.

"Slow bitch. When I ask for something, you deliver immediately!"

Unfortunately, when he grabbed the clothes, he bumped into the ironing table, causing it to come crashing down onto Alice and the iron falling onto her stomach, burning it in the process.

"AHHHHH!" She screamed out in pain.

Namjoon turned to her and saw her in pain.


He went to go touch her but she flinched away, causing the iron to shift and burn her even more.

"Oh crap oh crap oh crap."

Hoseok heard the noise and passed by.

"What's going o- OH MY GOD!"

"Hoseok, get Jin, get Jin now!"

"Y-yes sir!"

As Alice was sobbing, and writhing in pain, Jin arrived.

"You... what did you do to her?!"

Namjoon, scared of his elder, ran off to get dressed.

Jin removed the table and iron, unplugging it and placing it far away from Alice.

"Shhh, it's ok."

"It hurts Oppa!"

Jin was shocked. "I know, get into bed, I'll get you some medicine and extra large bandages.

Jin left the room.

'It's going to take a while before he'll have her heart...' he thought.


Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung were all placed, ready to fight those dangerous women.

"Looking for us boys?"

They turned around to see the leader of Red Velvet.


"Hello there Joon. You seem to have gained so much power since the last time we saw you..."

He groaned. "What do you want witch?"

"Simple. I want a fair share of your power. Let me be your bride. You'll have my body to do as you please with, and I'll share the power you have over South Korea."

"No Irene. I would never marry you let alone share my throne with you in a thousand years."

She paused and sighed. "You leave me no choice."

"And what's that Irene? You gonna kill me?"


"... what?"

"You heard me. Get them ladies."

They all looked to see the 5 gang members with loaded guns.

"Uh oh."

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