Chapter Five - I'll Be Your Friend

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"Are you fucking insane?!" Screamed Natsu who was on top of Lucy with a gun that shoot at nothing. Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears.

"Why did you do that?! Why can't you let me die in peace?!!" She screamed while tears went down the sides of her face. Natsu's look softened.

"Why would I let you die? I care abou you!" He yelled as his eyes became watery. Lucy's look hardened as she pushed him off of her.

"You are such a liar! You don't even know me! Just give me my gun back!" She yelled, trying to take her gun.

"I'm not lying! Lucy... I'm sorry for what I did to you, I promise to be your friend from now on!" Natsu yelled as hot liquid ran down his cheeks. Then, he embraced her in his big, muscular arms... For a moment there, Lucy believed him, but she changed her mind as she remembered that people don't change so easily.

"Get away! I don't want anything to do with you! I don't need anyone! I'll always be alone..." She mumbled the last part, but Natsu still heard it.

"Please..believe me... Give me one chance!" Natsu begged and held her by her shoulders. Lucy looked away, but after few moments, nodded.

"Fine, but! If it turns out, that you hurt me! I'll kill myself and you won't do anything to stop me! Understood?" She yelled and he hugged her, once again.

"Thank you, I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you and help you go thru this!" This time, Lucy indeed, hugged him back. It was a lovely moment, but soon enough, Lucy's overthinking and panic came back.

Oh no! What about dad?! If he finds out I'm not home tomorrow morning, he'll definitely kill me and Natsu won't be able to do anything about it! Shit! What now? What now?! WHAT NOW?!

"Luce, you okay?" Asked Natsu as they were on their way to Natsu's house. He thought it would be for the best if she stayed with him. Lucy looked pale from worrying, but still smiled and nodded.

For some reason, it made Natsu's heart skip a beat. His face became hot and he put a hand on his mouth.

"Natsu, are you okay?" Asked now, worried Lucy. Natsu just waved his free hand in front of his head, looking away.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm good.." What the hell is this feeling, I've never felt anything like this. For a second, I thought I was going to explode. Natsu thought as they were right in front of his house.


"You should go to sleep, you're probably tired from all the things that happened today." Natsu began, "You go to my room and I'll sleep on the couch." And finished with a smile.

"N-No, I can't take your bed! I'll sleep on the couch!" Yelled Lucy as Natsu stayed quiet. "Look, either you go sleep in my bed and let me sleep on the couch... or I go and sleep in that bed with you. I'm fine with both options." He said, crossing his arms and a pervy smile. Lucy was red in seconds.

"Fine! Dumbass!" Yelled Lucy and went up stairs. "Thanks.." was the last thing Natsu heard before going on the couch.


"Ugh.." Said Natsu as he bagan to wake. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. He wondered why he slept on the couch. It took him few seconds to remember everything that happened yesterday. 'Lucy!' He thought and quietly went to his room.

"Lucy? You awake?" He wisper-asked and saw that no one was there. He looked around and saw a note on his desk.

Dear Natsu,

Thank you for letting me stay here for the night, but I had to go back to my house. You see, my dad is very strict when it comes to friends and all. Hope to see you in school.

With love, Lucy.

I guess I'll see her in school tomorrow. I hope her dad doesn't torture her for being here. Haha, he's probably not that strict. Natsu thought and oh, how he was wrong. If he only knew what was going on in Lucy's house as he read that note...

Oh how wrong he was... poor Lucy.

Next chapter - He Saw Them

Hmm, saw what?

Try to guess ✌🏻

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