Chapter Three

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One year later

I finished my home a few months ago.  A fully furnished two story home, with a gas stove, outlets, and running water. Eletric lights, and so many bedrooms. It was pure heaven.

Or at least it would have been, if I wasn't so lonely. I love being by myself, but apart from the occasional bandits I beat senseless and meeting the gods, I had no humanoid contact. The gods barely counted anyways, because no matter how fun they were to talk to, they were obviously so deattached from society. They lived by their own rules and didn't always have the same concepts we did.

But being an impulsive eight year old, I decided to venture out into town. I had like, 400 gold, I figured I'd be fine.

I was not, in fact, fine.

Getting into what turned out to be a  city had been easy enough. It was a beautiful place too. Off in the distance, I saw a huge castle. It had spiraling towers, and looked like something straight out of a disney movie. The roads were lined with red bricks, shops and vendors selling goods to eager crowds.

But the crowds were a lot bigger than anticipated. Beforehand, I had changed into a simple white cotton dress and a dark brown cloak, so I didn't really stand out too much, but my enhanced senses were causing me pain.

It was bearable, but as much so as a headache.

But seeing so many people in one place made me nostalgic. The people sheer amount of people reminded me of the place where I grew up. It seemed like such a long time ago.

I saw many races, but no elves. Maybe elves were one of those haughty, reclusive races. O decided to put my hood up, my pointed ears would probably attract too much attention.

I walked down the stalls, buying things like beef and pork(the stuff you can't find in a monster infested forest), I listened in on the converstations.

"I can't believe the king is holding a ball for his eight year old niece's birthday," I heard a man say to his wife.

"I know right." She replied. "A masquerade at that. And everyone is invited. Something bad is bound to happen."

Maybe I'll stop by that event. I can always change into something appropriate.

I changed course, heading to a back ally where I could change my clothing and store the goods I aquired in my home made spacial ring. Having the space element and having too much time on your hands is really handy. All puns intended.

I gained the skill blacksmith, and leveled up my space attribute. But I still didn't have much control on how much mana was used.

From what I learned from the gods, until I learned Mana manipulation, my spells would always vary in the amount of mana used in each spell. I either needed to do deep meditation, which I had no patience for, or find a teacher, which I also had no patience for.

So learning that was put off for more fun things. Like inventing jewlery that can create magical girls.

When I'm older I plan on giving them to girls I feel can handle the responsibility.

After loading all of mt things into my rings, I summoned a dress from my old world, and altered it to fit in. I then summoned a mask.

 I then summoned a mask

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