Chapter Eighteen+ANNOUNCEMENT

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Axel has bad luck.

That's all I'm gonna say.

Axel has the worst luck on this planet that has been forsaken by the gods. I should not be suprised at this point when things go wrong, because more often than not, Axel's bad luck got its grubby hands on it.

It all started simply enough.

All I did was let them snoop around my house.

"What's this?" Axel asked, inspecting a pair of ruby earrings.

"Put that down," I shouted from my couch, causing him to flinch.

He put it back into the brown box, pouting. "Aw come on, what does it do?"

I sighed, getting up to move the ruby earrings back into their proper place. "These earrings are magical artifacts I crafted." He moved to pick them up again. "They only work for girls,"

He sighed, saddened by this. Yora, however, perked up. "What? Really? Can I try it?"

I shook my head. "They should only be used in the case of an emergency."

She joined her brother in sulking.

"Listen, making these was really hard. If they were to break, they would be corrupted and become a danger to everyone." I stated plainly. Infusing magic into items itself wasn't dangerous. It was giving that magic lifr that did that. Which is what I had to do in order to make proper magical girl things.

The twins both gave the earrings a wary look, which I found hilarious.

"Will it really cause that big of a mess if it breaks?" Yora asked, somehow still holding out hope for using it.

"Yes. But maybe one day I'll let you use it." She cheered, abandoning her brother's sulking circle.

I shook my head, the girl just had an endless supply of optimism.

I glanced at the two, who were just lounging around, playing with things they found on my dressers.

"Here's something you can do," I said, "I need to name them. Not the artifacts individually. But like, the group."

Yora gave me a confused look, but Axel looked excited. "What do you mean?" Yora asked.

Axel answered before I got the chance. "Y'know how swords are called swords, but cool magical swords have their own names," Axel only continued after Yora nodded. "We get to give the jewelry a name like swords,because they already have their special names,"

"Ah," Yora said in understanding. She was soon just as excited as her brother.

I grabbed the box, and turned to them as I headed to the door. "We need to do this outside, so follow me of you want to give this little project of mine a name." I said.

They followed me obediently, and soon we were back in my front lawn, which is what I've come to start call the clearing in front of my home. I opened the box, allowing all the ornaments to be exposed to the sunlight.

"So, start shouting names out. When they start glowing, that means they've accepted the name."

The two children beside me blinked. "Its that easy?" I heard Axel mumble. He sounded vaguely disappointed.

I laughed. "What,did you think I was going to let you do anything remotely dangerous?" I asked, still laughing.

He gave me a half hearted glare, and Yora stifled a giggle. "That what you get for asking stupid questions," She whispered. He gave her a glare, but that only seemed to amuse her more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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