Chapter Six

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Kir stared at me shocked.

"Blessed by the gods..." He mumbled, trailing off.

I finally took my mask of, my golden eyes in full view. Even though I was only physically eight years old, I knew my eyes could be intimidating. I had been able to scare myself when I was looking at myself in the mirror.

I gave him a serious look, not a glare, but there was none of the previous friendliness that was once there.

"You can't tell anyone about that," I told him

"But you're living proof that the gods still visit this world."

"I'm not ready."


"No. I don't meed a bounty on my head. A child of my caliber would cause many people to come after me. Add to that the fact I am an elf. No matter how strong I am, I can tire. I am not immortal, I am not a god. I can get hurt. I can't even control my magic properly. I will expose myself to the world when I am ready."

The king sighed. "Fine, we will arrange a teacher for you. The things I have seen will stay between those of us here."

I nodded, smiling in all my childlike glory. "Hey is Axel still awake?" I ask.

Silvia smiles. "We had to trap him in his room to keep him from stalking your bed until you woke. I'm not sure if he's still awake, but we can take to you to him."

I nodded. "If that's not too much to ask."

"Nothing is too much to ask after what you did for me."

I nodded, standing up. She grabbed my hand, and led me through the maze of hallways that made up the inner part of the castle. Soon we entered a hallway with one door. From outside I could hear parts of a conversation.

"Why can't I visit her Yora?"

"Shut up."

"But she's unconscious. What if she wakes up and is all by herself."

"Then she'll wake up and talk to one of the guards. Stop being so whiny. Besides, Uncle Kir said she might not wake up for a while do you really wanna wait that long."

"But Yora-"

I heard someone get up, and I stifled a laugh. I heard a slight impact.

"I love you so much Axel. But for the love of the gods please shut up."

There was a muffled response, and I took it as a queue to enter.

"Hi gu-" I was interupted by being tackle hugged by the twins.


I laughed from my position on the floor, trying to get the two twins off of me. "Guys please,"

Silvia laughed, the lady did nothing to help me. The cruel woman. Help your savior dammit.

"Kate your okay," Axel said grinning. I forgot that kids have no sense of personal space. The kid's face was only a few inches away from mine.

"Get off" My face flushed, and I summoned all of me strength to push the boy off of me.

I sent the Axel flying back to his bed. Whoops.

Yora got the hint and got off of me willingly. I stand up and turn to her."Good girl," I said, patting her head.

She burst out laughing, which caused Axel to start laughing. By extension, I was also laughing.

What can I say, laughter is contagious.

After the laughter died down, I sat up and looked at the two royal kids. They weren't royalty unless something happened to Kir's actual son, but they were pretty close in the line of inheritance. It was cool that I had such powerful friends.

"Are we friends?" I ask, watching as Axel gets off of his bed.

"Of course!" Yora shouts, beating Axel to the punch. He looked like he had been about to shout the same thing.

I smiled at them, dusting my dress off. I looked over at Silvia, suddenly realizing I was the only person still in their masquerade outfit. The kids were in their sleep attire, and Silvia was in a simple dress.

"Lady Silvia?"

She turned her attention downwards. "Yes,"

"Can I go change?"

She jumped in suprise, as if just realizing I was still extemely dressed up. "Of course! I could fetch a few maids to give you one of Yora's old nightgowns."

I shook my head "Its fine, I think I have something in my storage ring."

Silvia blinked in suprise, and the kids looked at me interest.

"You have a storage ring?" Axel and Silvia asked me, at the same time. Was it really so suprising.

"How did you get it? Mom said it was really hard to get, even for people like us," Thank God Axel was here to provide exposition.

"I made it," I told them shrugging. I really wanted to get out of the dress. It stopped being very comfortable and started to feel really heavy and cumbersome.

They looked at me in shock, but I ignored them. "Where's the bathroom."

"Through that door," Silvia said numbly, pointing at a door in the middle of a wall oposite the one we came in from.

Nodding at her I walked over, poking a frozen Yora on my way out.

The toilet, if you could even call it that, was just a bucket with a seat. There was a bell to call a maid with, if you needed to empty it out. The tub on the other hand was huge. It looked like the spa place from spirited away.

I walked to a corner farthest from the pee bucket and changed into my pjs. I then transformed the pink Pjs into a silk nightgown. I took my shoes off, resigning myself to walking barefoot.

I walked out the bathroom, and by this time the three had already defrosted.

I smiled at them, and hopped unto Yora's bed.

"Am I staying the night?" I asked, swinging my legs off the edge. Being a short child is fun sometimes. Although I cannot wait to reclaim my old height.

The children looked at their mother expectantly. She shrugged. "I can get you a room. It is pretty late to send a child out to their home. Especially when that's in a forest."

Axel cheered, and Yora gave a smile. "I'll arrange a room for you to stay at."

Axel immediately protested. "She can stay in my bed,"

"Absolutely not. It is mot appropriate for a young lady to stay in your bed."

A devious glint lighted itself in Yora's eyes. "Does that mean I'm not a young lady mother? I sleep in his bed all the time." Her eyes watered, her lips trembling.

Lady Silvia immediately panicked. "No no, sweetheart its just that she's not related to you two."

"Then can she stay in my bed?"

Silvia knew she wasn't going to win this argument and gave up. She nodded, sighing. "Please don't keep the maids up too long,"

We cheered. She walked out the room, slightly dejected, mumbling to herself about losing to eight year olds.

That night marked my first sleepover.

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