Chapter Eleven

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"Dude this place has to be loaded," I heard a gruff voice say from outside.

I see Axel, who had been in the kitchen, freeze at the voice. His eyes widen and he begins shaking. His face grows pale as he hears them talk.

"Go upstairs and hide." I whisper,my voice leaving no room for arguement. He mutely nods before scurrying up the stairs.

I pick up on their conversation again.

"Do you think that the spirit of the forest lives here?" Another man, younger this time, asks. There's a bit of fear in his voice, something I can capitalize on.

The man from earlier talks again. "Well if the spirit has a home that means its a person. And we can kill a person."

I nearly scoff, but I stay quiet. I don't want them to come inside, my house isn't built for combat.

I creep out of a side door, using wind to silence the opening and closing of the door. I use light magic to make my eyes glow in the dark and slowly make the area around my house fill with mist.

"The hell?" A third man asks, the second man looks frightened as he spots my eyes through the thick fog.

"Its the spirit, we gotta run!" He shrieks, but the guy closest to the door, who I assume is the first one I heard, slaps his head.

I grin and begin humming.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, keeping my tone airy and childlike. My voice is a whole octave higher than normal.

The first man speaks up after the rest of the group nudges him.

"Uhh we're here to find my son." He declares, smiling at me.

"Oh~" I say, dragging it out a bit. I skip in a circle around them, carefully muting my steps. I let the fog lighten up a bit, so they know its controled by me. "Really?"

I continue to circle them as the second guy regains his composure and begins talking.

"Y-yes, he wandered off into this forest and we heard of the kind spirit who helps out those who can't defend themselves. We wanted your help in finding him."

I feign suprise amd lighten the mist even more. They can see most of my body, but everything past the knees still has heavy mist. "Woah, the people talk about me like that?" I widen my eyes and mimic childish wonder.

They seem to relax a bit, thinking that I was no more than a mere child.

"Would you help us look?" The third asks.

I pretend to think to myself for a moment, putting my finger on my fave and everything.

"Is your son a little boy around my height with light brown hair and blue eyes?" I ask, describing Axel.

The predatory grins they give me would have creeped me out any other time. Guy One speaks up "Yes that's him, my son. Have you seen him?"

"Yep," I say, popping the p. "He's inside my house."

All the men gear up to enter, but I stop them with a raised hand.

"What?" Guy one says irritated, "Why can't I go in and get my son?"

"No adult enters my home." I say, a gentle smile on my face.

Man three tries to push past me, but a strong gust of wind pushes him back. I make my eyes glow more. I let the smile slide off my face and turn the mist back into dense fog.

"Not a single one of you will be entering my home." I tell them, glaring.

They shiver, and take a couple of steps back. "Sorry he was just a bit over excited. We can wait out he-"

"Too late." I state blankly, voice devoid of all emotion and flat.

In a flash, I was behind number three, and summoned a fireball to incinerate him.

Number two looked terrifies and I grinned, but number one prepared himself for combat.

"I could kill you right now," I said to him, locking number two inside a cage of ice, "it wouldn't even be hard."

I say, shrugging. "But I haven't had a decent fight in a few months, so if you want your friend here to have a more painless death, I suggest you dance with me. If you give a good enough fight, I might even spare you."

"Why are you doing this !"

I chuckled darkly, "You want to know why? Because you hurt a dear friend of mine. Axel is not your son, and he'd rather take his chances in a monster infested forest than stay with you. I don't know how you got to him, but I know one thing," I pause as I watch them sweat.

"You're going to regret it"

"So, do you want to take your chances and fight me, or do you and your friend want to die?"

To his credit, he managed to steady his hands enough to draw his blade.

Name: Ordin Grey
Gender: Male
HP: 780/780
MP:800/ 800
Stamina: H
Strength: C
Speed: SS
Titles: Mercenary Master, Grey Lightening
Forms: None

Pain tolerance: LVL. 6
Poison Resistance: LVL. 9
Sleep Resistance: LVL. 1
Breath Capacity: LVL. 5
Temperature tolerance: LVL. 7
Fear resistance: LVL. 2

Passive Skills:

Appraisal (Allows user to view others' Status screen): LVL. 4

Magic Skills:

Lightening Magic: LVL. 11
Fire Magic: LVL. 3

Weapon Skills:

Long Bow: K
Short bow: F

Contracts: None

Alias: None

Blessing: None

Huh? He's faster than me.

That's interesting.

A/N: I think for the Halloween special I'll post this chapter from the view of the mercenaries. Hope you enjoyed. Please comment, I live off of those.

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