Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Question before the chapter starts. Should I cave and write a system fic?

It was always with Axel that I let my guard down. I don't know what it is about him, but somehow anytime I was near him, something always caught me by suprise.

First the assassins at the ball, then Ordin. Now, Ordin AGAIN.

This is really getting ridiculous.

"Speak of the devil," I muttered under my breath.

"Ann," I said, my tone clipped, "take Axel to the a room upstairs and protect him. Don't come out until I come back up."

"But what about you?" Her startled reply would have almost been endearing had I not already been in a Mood™ 

"Since when have I ever been unable to handle myself. Upstairs," When she hesitated to move I thrust Axel into her arms. "Now,"

She took one loom at Axel and my soaked shirt, before picking him up and hauling him away, ignoring his quiet mumbles of protests.

I walked over to the doorway, quickly using magic to seperate the tears from my shirt. I froze them and turned it into a dagger of ice. It wasn't anything special, but it provided me peace of mind for this meeting.

Slowly, I opened the door, and found exactly what I expected. Ordin carrying a large sack over his shoulder.

"I want you out of my hair after this, you got that brat?" His low voice growled out, in a failed attempt at being intimidating.

Immediately, my dagger was at his throat.

"I dont think you're in any position to be making threats, human. Just give me what I asked for, and maybe I'll let you leave with your life."

The cane in his hand crackled with dark energy, some perversion of lightning, before he stopped.

He took a step back, rubbing his neck for a moment, before tossing the bag onto the ground in front of my feet.

I heard a muffled yelp from inside the bag, and my eyes left Ordin in an instant.

"They come in a pair, so here's number two,"

My suspicions were true, it was Yora in that bag. I let out a sigh of relief, picking her up with ease, and turned around to take her back into the house.

"I did my end of the deal, so you do yours."

My eyebrow twiched with annoyance.  This man had some nerve to be making demands.

I placed Yora down gently, opening the bag she was in to help circulate the air in there better, before turning back around to face Ordin.

"Go and live the rest of your despicable life. I'm not stopping you from leaving this forest." I told him, waving my hand dismissively.

He frowned. "That's not what I mean. Take the damn tracker off. I know you just want to let me go back to my base in order to free my other slaves and then kill me there."

So he discovered the real reason I gave him a tracker. Pity I still can't kill him yet. Still, his arrogance was getting on my last nerves.

"You have some balls coming into my territory, and making demands like you own the place." I glared at him and summoned thick fog to surround the house.

He visibly paled, but stood his ground, and I stayed silent until for a while.

"Well, I'm nothing if not a woman of my word," I waved my hand and disabled the tracker. "But I suggest you scram before I decide to follow you and finish the job." He nodded at the threat, knowing it wasn't as hollow as I made it seem.

It wasn't like I actually could though, me and Ann were going to have our hands full taking care of these two until I can take them to either the king or their parents.

I watched as he ran off into the trees, and then walked back into my house, picking Yora up from the floor and taking her out of the burlap sack she was tied up in.

Her light brown hair was matted and covered in mud, her arms were covered in bruises and her knees had a few scrapes on them. Even though they were all superficial wounds, it still caused my blood to boil.

"Leeanley, come downstairs. Leave Axel up there."

I heard Axel grumble, and Ann rush down the stairs.

"It's her," She whispered, staring at Yora with pity in her eyes.

Yora, who was unconscious, didn't stir at all.

"Why did you call?"

I sighed, "I'm gonna need to heal her, but you know me and my relationship with Light magic," I said with a slight smile.

"You suck at it," She deadpanned. 

I laughed at her, "Pretty much. Just make sure I don't pass out." I paused for a moment, remembering my manners. "Please,"

She scoffed, but nodded.

I started off with a low level heal spell, something I had mastered back in my early days of living in the forest by myself. It healed all of the cuts and scrapes, and left me with a good amount of energy left, something I can't say happened most times I used healing magic.

But Yora still didn't wake up. "Do you think she has a concussion?" I asked, worried.

I wasn't sure of how well I could heal a concussion, if it came down to it.

"She's probably just tired. You healed her wounds, but her body is probably still feeling fatigued. Maybe run her a bath or something. That might help,"

Thank you Ann, once again delivering the best advice. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, before picking Yora up in one fluid motion. I really need to clean this couch. First my blood, now all of this mud on Yora.

I rushed off to the bathroom, and then realised something. I was not going to undress my friend. It wasn't going to happen. Not doing it.

I did not want to see her naked ten year old body. It would be too much. I would never see her the same way again. It would be so weird.

So I held her awkwardly in my arms as I drew a bath, waiting patiently for her to wake up.

A/N: I accidently posted the chapter incomplete. Also I was convinced there were 31 days in April, so sorry for the late update. There is still gonna be a May update. Happy Late 4/20 and also Happy late Easter is you celebrate it.

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