Chapter Four

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I dismissed the shadows as my imagination, and continued my fascinating conversation about if we could make out imaginary friends real with magic. I was a firm yes, seeing as the key to magic is your imagination, but Axel didn't think so. Yora was trying (and failing) to be a mediator.

This entertaining conversation was cut short when two figures jumped onto the stage, launching themselves at the queen. The queen leaped out the way, leaving them to land on an unsuspecting Lady Silvia, Yora and Axel's mother.

"Don't move, or she gets it!" One of the men shouted. The king and queen were tense, but didn't move. I looked at Yora and Axel, both of whom were on the verge of tears, in horror.

The crowd was in a silent panic. No one wanted to move and be the cause of her death.

"We have magic blockers on each corner of the castle, so don't even bother to try."

Magic blockers? I could feel the magic in my chest, resting, waiting. I cast a simple ice spell and small ball of ice appeared in my hands. It must not affect me because of my blessing and ultra high mana capacity.

The king looked desperate, staring at his sister worried. "What do you want? We have a plethora of gold and riches, I'm sure we can spare you some if you release my sister."

The second man, the one with a knife to Lady Silvia's throat laughed. "Tempting as it is, we'll pass. You're wife and sister are interchangeable for what we want."

"And what exactly is that?" The king narrrowed his eyes.

"Well they both have been favored by the fey, and with the decline in sightings of elves and fairies, we need some bait."

Axel eyed me worriedly, and it took all of my self control not to run over and give myself up. I could still use magic. I could save his mom from here.

"The fey are gone because of people like you. They judged the world and saw it unfit. And they took the dragons with them and left." The queen spat.

The second man tutted. "Well you certainly don't seem to care about the woman in my arms." He pressed the knife into her neck, causing a bit of blood to seep out and I snapped.

The anger came to me from, elsewhere. Something about her made me want to protect her, and it wasn't just because she was my friend's mom. There was something more primal about this need to protect, something that made me throw caution to the wind.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I shouted, pouring my magic into an attack. Enormous spikes of ice shot out from the ground, a path of spikes emerging from the floor making a path through the crowd and towards the attackers.

The lept out the way, dropping the knife at her kneck and their grip on her. They left her where she was, but the ice never hit her. The king rushed to her side, but he found himself unable to use magic to heal her.

The force of my attack blew my hair away from my face and exposed my ears. I swayed slightly, having used up alot more magic than necessary. One of the men laughed, while the other looked at me hesitantly.

"Looks like her mere prescence managed to draw out some elves. Amd she's just a child too. Come on Brent, we can take her." I looked for the source of their voices and found them sitting on top of one of the chandelier. I glared, steadying myself on Yora's shoulder.

The second man, Brent, looked at the first man like he was stupid. "Are you serious. Those spikes have a ridiculous amount of mp on them. They have at least over five hundred per spike. She was able to do that with the magic blockers in place. We wouldn't stand a chance, even if she's a child."

The first guy sighed. "She's too much trouble. Lets get out of here before the guards become useful."

They left off their perch, landinng on a support beam, before leaping through a window and out of sight. Once they were gone I let myself collapse.

Axel was there to catch me, giving me a watery smile, and I gave him a weak one in return.

How much mana did I use to make myself so weak. I summoned my status, checking the number.

Name: Kathryn Samourin
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
HP: 780,025/780,025
MP:300,000/ 800,000
Stamina: B
Strength: C
Speed: S
Titles: Blessed by the gods, Spirit of the Forest
Forms: Dragon, Beastkin, Human, Angel, Tiefling

Pain tolerance: LVL. MAX
Poison Resistance: LVL. 5
Sleep Resistance: LVL. 1
Breath Capacity: LVL. MAX
Temperature tolerance: LVL. 13
Fear resistance: LVL. 5

Passive Skills:

Appraisal (Allows user to view others' Status screen): LVL. MAX

Night vision( Allows user to see beter in the dark): LVL. MAX

Auto-Mapping (Allows user to map locations visited in their mind, giving them a mental map of where they are and where they have been.): LVL. MAX

Enhanced Senses( User's Senses are stronger than that of a normal member of their species): LVL. MAX

Blacksmisth(User can create powerful magic and non magical items): LVL. MAX

Magic Skills:

Nature Magic: LVL. 11
Ice Magic: LVL. 13
Water Magic: LVL. 12
Air magic: LVL. 11
Lightening Magic: LVL. 13
Creation Magic: LVL. MAX
Fire Magic: LVL. 9
Earth Magic: LVL. 9
Space Magic: LVL. 6
Light Magic: LVL. 4

Contracts: None

Alias: None

Blessing: Blessing of the Goddes of war, Blessing of the God of Life, Blessing of the Goddess of Dragons, Blessing of the Goddess of Magic and knowledge, Blessing of the God of Death, Blessing of the Goddess of Nature and Beasts, Blessing of the God of Peace and Order

WHAT? I USED FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND MP??? No wonder I felt sp weak, I didn't even use that much mp to make my house. I stared at the icicles, which were rapidly melting. If I made a hundred of those, that means I used five thousand mana per icicle.

Yeah, I really need a magic teacher. There was no way I could keep this up without dying.

And with those thoughts I closed my eyes in an attempt to black out. Spoiler alert, it didn't work.

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