Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: If this chapter seems rushed it's cause I want this arc to end already. The pacing in this is so slow it hurts me to write sometimes

Things turned out smoothly from there. I only had to wait twenty minuted for Yora to wake up, and in that time I used a wet rag to clean off most of the dirt from places I could see.

Like I said before, I wasn't gonna undress Yora unless the world was depended on it.

Yora had been grateful to see me. She didn't want to talk about her time at the slave place. But she did mention something interesting. Something about seeing an angel. Maybe she's hallucinating. Or maybe there is another elf out there.

Either way I have to have a little chat with Ordin next time I see him. Which shouldn't be too long considering his track record.

I was tossing a gold coin in the air when I posed the question.

"So, do y'all know how I can get you either home or to the King without getting shot immediately?"

Both their heads cocked towards me.

Axel was the one to speak up. "What do you mean by that? Uncle Kir wouldn't shoot you,"

I burst into laughter, and the two of them looked at me strangely.

"You're telling my that Kir isn't going to immediately shoot down a dragon going at high speeds towards his castle. Or that your parents won't?" I asked, both amused and suprised at how stupid ten year olds could be sometimes.

The bashful looks I got answered my question.

"Well maybe if you didn't fly so fast it wouldn't be seen as a threat," Yora countered.

I paused for a moment, considering it. "Valid point. But comsider this, the sooner you guys get home the sooner I get back home too."

Axel and Yora started laughing at that, as did I.

"You're just lazy," Yora cried out in between laughs.

"You're not wrong," I said grinning.

Axel shook his head. "Just go slower, so we don't all die,"

I sucked my teeth, " But I don't want too,"

This time it was Ann to say something. "I'll figure something out Katie, don't worry about it."

I gave her a look. "That somehow is both reasurring and worrying."


And so we made plans to return the two royal children in 3-5 buisness days. Or rather, after the weekend. Because I really wanted to be an unnecessary show off, and Ann no longer reacts to my amazing archery skills.

But I knew for a fact that both Yora and Axel would react the way I wanted. Because they haven't seen me fight before.

"Axel, didn't you want to see me use my bow and arrow?" I asked, pointedly ignoring Ann, who had rolled her eyes.

Axel nodd enthusiastically.

I look towards the door, "Come on, you too Yora."

Axel grabs Yora' hand and the race to the door, outside before I could get there.

"Show off," Ann mumbles, knowling I'll hear her anyway.

I stick my tongue out at her, before walking out the door to follow my companions.

Once out there, I handed both Yora and Axel an apple.

Axel went to take a bite of it, but Yora stopped him ultra fast. Almost as if she knew that would be his first reaction.

"Alright so Axel, I want you to balance the apple on your head," I ordered. He complied, balancing it on his fluffy brown hair.

"Yora," I started, she snapped to attention "Hold yours in your hands. Careful not to stand behind it, or else you'll get skewered."

She nodded, paling a bit. "Are you going to shoot the off of us?" She asked meekly.

I nodded enthusiastically, pulling out my bow from my spacial ring. It was gold and brown, with green accents. And the green accents were enchanted by yours truly to boost spells if cast while using the bow.

The arrows also had the green on the fletchling (back of the arrow), which helped me imbue them with magical properties.

"Pretty," Yora said in awe.

Axel nodded in agreement. Nodding so vigorously that he nearly knocked the apple off of his head.

"Alright so who wants to go first?"

Axel and Yora's hands bothe shot up, but Axel was just a smidge faster.

"Axel, your up. Yora, I need to move to where I am." She walked over to me dutifully, pouting the entire way.

"Axel, you cannot move, you understand me."

"Yes Ma'am,"

My eye twitched. "Boy, call me Ma'am again and I'll smack you upside your head. We're the same age."

This time he nodded so hard he actually knocked the apple off his head.

I laughed at his expression, and watched as he hurriedly put the apple back on his head.

Once he was perfectly still, I fired the first arrow.

These arrows were only enchanted to make a cool light show, which was perfect because all I wanted to do was impress these kids.

Yora gasped when the arrow lodged itself perfectly into the middle of the apple on top of Axel's head, the momentum of the arrow knocming ut all the way back into a tree, where the apple was now stuck.

"Woah," Axel muttered, watching the arrow continue to glow as it held the apple is place.

"Yora you next," I said, clapping my hands.

And that was how the weekend went, is what I wish I could say.

A/N: Next chapter will hopefully end this arc! Also check out my new story, which I'll be posting in a few minutes, calles FoxFire. I personally cannot wait for Arc three, and I know yall will enjoy.

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