Chapter 1

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"Well this is our new home" says Reba, Sammies and Jessie's mother.

"I know it isn't quite what we're use to but as soon as I make enough money I promise to get you girls out of here."

" Mom its okay, we like it" Jessie says.

"Yeah mom don't worry, we appreciate just having a home" adds Sammie.

"I raised two good girls, I'm glad they understand" Reba thinks.

My husband passed away in a car accident and didn't leave me or the girls anything. He didn't have a will and it seems like all this time in our marriage he was having an affair with other women. I had so many questions that couldn't be answered. After his death I was forced to move from a 2 floor house with a pool, a yard and a beautiful city view, to a 2 bedroom apartment in the projects with my girls. It's all I can afford at the moment but since the rent is cheap I can start saving money to start with a down payment towards a house. After all I have two teenage daughters, Jessie who is 14 and Sammie who is 17, that deserve a better home. I feel bad I had to put my girls through this. Not only they have to get use to their new home but also their new neighborhood and new school. I just hope they can adjust for the mean time until things get better.

We continued unpacking until we got hungry and ordered some pizza. When the delivery guy came me and the girls sat on the floor to eat, and then we fell asleep till the next day.

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