Chapter 6

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When I walked into the auditorium it was so packed with freshmans. I try finding a seat by myself but everywhere I look, there's groups of kids sitting with each other. I can hear them ask each other how was their summer and I hear some of them compliment each other on how fly they look. I finally just found a seat at the very end of the corner of the auditorium and just wait until I'm told what to do.

I look around and can tell everyone are friends or know each other. I see groups of kids taking selfies, I see girls hugging each other. I even see couples walking in holding hands. I miss my friends. I just pulled my phone out and started texting my best friend Chelsea.

Me: Hey bff. I miss you. I wish I was going to Peter High with you and the crew. I feel so alone here I have no friends.

Chelsea: I miss you too bff ! It doesn't feel the same with out you. Don't worry you're a sweetheart I know you will make friends.

Me: I hope so. Thank you
I ttyl. Love you

Chelsea: love you too ttyl.

I locked my phone and put it away. I just sat their wondering what's taking so long but I wasn't rushing because I didn't even know anyone.

Psst. Psst. Psst. "Hey you" Pssst. "I know she hears me shes playing her self." I heard a girls voice say but didn't think she was talking to me since I didn't know anyone, until I turned to her and realized it was me she was talking to.

I pointed to myself and asked "Who me?"
The girl shook her head and waved her hand for me to come towards her. I moved a few seats down to her and she said,
"Hey girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Jessie" I said

"What about yours?" I asked

"I'm Tanisha and this is my bestfriend Isabella but we call her Bella for short."
"Are you new? because I never seen you in middle school and mostly everyone here was in the same middle school."

"Yes I just moved to the Franklin Projects. I use to live in Fort Heights and was suppose to go to Peter High but me, my sister and my mom had to move over here since my dad passed away.

"Oh so you're rich?" Isabella asked.

"Not at all." I said.

"Well Fort Heights is where all the rich kids live." says Isabella

"Yeah but I don't live there anymore." I stated.

"Girl you have on a LV book bag. That alone probably costs more than my outfit from Rainbow." Tanisha says.

"Well I had this bookbag for 2 years already and what's rainbow?" I asked.

"My point exactly you're rich bitch, you don't even know what rainbows is!" Tanisha says in a jokingly way and her and Isabella started laughing.

I looked at her confused at the bitch part. Why would she call me out my name? I thought to myself.

She must've noticed my face reaction because she said
"Girl when I called you bitch I didn't mean it offensively." Its the way we talk. You'll get use to it.

I just smiled and then told her how I'm not rich anymore. My dad had a good job and bought us nice things but when he passed away he left us with nothing which lead my mom to move where she can afford.

Tanisha said "Don't sweat it, I grew up in the projects my whole life. It's not as bad as it seems when you start getting use to it. You'll be fine.

"Yeah I don't live in the projects but I live In the low income buildings which is the same shit. So we are no different from each other and are not here to Judge." Isabella says.

"Thanks" I said.

I feel a little better now. I think I made 2 new friends, I thought to myself.

So is that your real color eyes? Isabella asked.

"Yes. It is. I got it from my dad side of the family. My sister has them also." I said.

"Lucky you, I always have to wear contacts." Isabella says.

"Her Spanish ass wants to be white so badly." Tanisha said rolling her eyes.

We got interrupted by a lady on the microphone. She was announcing our homeroom classes and our names. I just hope I'm in the same class as my new friends.

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