Chapter 10

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" My brothers friend is having like a party a few houses away from here. I wish you can come Jessie."

"Is his name David?" Jessie asks.

"No his name is Joey, why?" I responded.

"Oh because my sister asked my mom if she can go to this house party some boy from school invited her to and his name was David."

"Sheesh your mom's don't let ya do shit." Tanisha says

"I know ever since we moved over here she's been strict on us. And the fight I had the first day of school really worried her." Jessie tells us both.

"Your mom is worrying too much." Says Tanisha

"I mean no offense girl but you're white. People are going to pick on you just because of that."

"That sounds racist" I said sucking my teeth.

"I'm not though but you know it's true !" Tanisha replies.

"Well it doesn't matter anyways because I'm not scared of anybody" Jessie says with confidence.

I just looked at her with my eyebrows squinted cause I couldn't believe what she just said. She definitely wasn't a fighter but from the sound of it. She might be adjusting just fine.

"Exactly and you shouldn't be cause we got you." I said.

"Now since you aren't coming with us to the party can we look in your closet? I know you have something nice to wear" Tanisha asks opening the closet before Jessie even said yes.

"Yes and can I use your makeup too please !?" I ask with a big smile on my face.

"Of course ya can. I'll actually do your make up Bella" and I can help you find something to wear Tanisha, if you can squeeze in. You have so much body compared to me." Jessie says.

"That just means your clothes will be tighter. And you know what they say the tighter the better" Tanisha says and we both bust out laughing.

I don't think Jessie understood. But soon with us she will come around. She grew up different from T, and I. She grew up with a family, she had both parents, lived and went to school with the rich kids. She wasn't exposed to what we were at a young age. Our parents don't care about us that's why we had no guidance. My mom had a different man in the house every month, until one day she met the wrong guy that murdered her. My dad had another family in another state so I had no other option than to live with my older brother Diego or social services were going to take me away. My brother Diego isn't the best of Father figure because hes always in the streets. But he tries his best to take care of me so I can't complain. T's mom is a crackhead and she never met her father. There was a rumor that she doesn't even know who her father is, but who cares thats my bestfriend. She had it rougher than me since she was the only child she had to do everything for herself since her mom is always high. One time she had to stay with me for a whole month because her mom had sold everything in their house. She didn't have no food, no bed or clothes. My brother always fed us and I would give her some of my clothes. Social services always took her away but she always ran back home. She said no matter who her mother is, that's all she ever had so she doesn't want to leave her. Plus we all heard stories about young girls getting raped in foster care and she was afraid of that happening to her. She got arrested twice for shoplifting once at a supermarket and another time at a clothing store because majority of the times she went home, she had nothing again. She really been through a lot at such a young age. So when we met in middle school we became the best of friends. I love her like my sister. We are such alike. But it also feels good having someone different as our friend.

While T and Jessie looking through her closet I text Joey to make sure my brother wasn't going to be there.

Me: You sure my brother isn't going to be there tonight?

Joey: I'm sure ma, now you better come and wear something that's easy access"

Me: Ok good. And trust me I will 😉 see you later"

Joey: Lata.

I can't wait to see him. Omg. I know this is wrong because he's my brother's friend, but we haven't had sex. He's only finger popped me and I sucked his dick twice but that's not sex...right?  He said as long as my brother doesn't know it shouldn't feel wrong. I know if my brother finds out he will go crazy but only Tanisha knows so I don't think he will ever find out. Tonight is the first time him and I will be seen around people so I'm scared but he said since it's a party it wouldn't look suspicious at all. If anyone asks who invited me, say it wasn't him. I know how to keep a secret so I'm not worried plus Tanisha has one of her lil boo things thats gonna be there so I wouldn't feel awkward.

Tanisha and I started getting ready and sexy to see our boo's tonight. It was gonna be a good night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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