Chapter 8

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I was looking at the clock waiting for it to be 2:45 p.m. Today felt like a long day for me and no one is much friendly in this school. During lunch time I had to sit alone. I'm just glad this is my only and last year here. I hope Jessie had a good day. I thought I would be able to see her in between classes but the freshmans stay on the lower level of the school.

When the bell rings I grab my stuff and leave as quick as I can. I just can't wait to go home and call Hailey and tell her what an awful day I had.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and seen this
spanish Rico Suave looking guy.

"Sammie right? He asked waiting for me to confirm.

"Yes and you are? I'm sorry" I asked not trying to sound rude.

"I'm David, we are in the same chemistry class. I see you're new around here and just wanted to ask if you wanna come to my house party this Friday?"

"Umm I'm not sure I don't really know you like that." I said not really knowing what to say.

"Its ok we can get to know each other and a few other people from school will be there. It's a perfect time to meet people so you can have friends" he said trying to convince me.

"I'll think about it. Thanks for the invite" I said.

"What is there to think about? There's gonna be weed, liquor, molly and music." Just come through he said.

"I don't do any of that so ill pass." I said about to walk away.

"You don't smoke, or drink at least? Not even dance?" he asked surprised.

"Well I drank one time with my friends but it was nasty. After that I never tried."

"That's probably cause you didn't have that henny."
"Just come for a little and if you don't like it i pay your cab home" he said.

"Okay then I will. See you tomorrow."

I then kept walking to the front to meet Jessie.

As soon as I got outside I see Jessie with 2 girls and another 3 girls just fighting each other. I was stuck at first but then broke the fight up. I see Jessie with scratches on her face and I hear the 2 girls she was with yell at the other 3 girls "You're just mad hoe cause my friend looks better then your raggedy looking ass."

"Whatever hoe it's on sight everytime I see yall ass now" one of the other 3 girls yelled back.

"You already got fucked up so if you wanna get fucked up each time on sight then its whatever" the other girl that was with Jessie said.

I took my attention off them and looked at Jessie.

"Jessie! What happened? Are you ok!?" I asked trying to wipe her face.

"Yes I'm okay Sam, some boy passed me a note earlier and someone told that girl with the pink shirt, so she came up to me saying that was her boyfriend and I better have a good reason why we was passing notes. So I told her I never passed him a note, he passed me one first, then her friend said I was doing too much talking and told her to punch me in my mouth so that's when they tried jumping me but my two new friends, Tanisha and Isabella here, jumped in with me. You know I never had a fight. They started with me for no reason.

"Don't worry about those hoes, my brother knows their brothers and I'm gonna tell him what happened. Watch them leave you alone now." Isabella said sounding positive.

"Well thank you for being their for my sister. Who knows what they could've done to her if y'all wasn't  there."

"No problem. We got her back." They both said.

We said goodbye and walked home.

Text us tonight they both shouted to Jessie as we kept walking.

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