Chapter 9

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Since Jessie had that fight, my mom insists for us to come straight home every day after school. Now we can't go anywhere unless she knows where we are and who we are with. I mean it's not like we ever went anywhere but since Jessie has new friends, she be wanting to go out with them after school. I asked my mom about going to David house party and she said no. I kinda hate that about her. I'm going to be 18 soon and she still treats me like a baby.

Tanisha and Isabella come over mostly every day after school. My mom doesn't mind as long as Jessie and I come straight home. Jessie and her friends are in the room talking about their class mates and who they like.

I'm in the living room bored like always. It was a Friday evening and the sun was going down. I was on snap chat and seen my friends hanging at the mall ready to go to the movie theaters. I just sighed and put my phone down. I know my mom said come straight home and that's what I did. But I'm about to take our dog Rocky for another walk just to get out this house.

" JESSIE !" I yelled.

"Yes?" She comes out the room.

"I'm taking Rocky for a walk. You'll be fine right?" I asked not so concerned.

"Sure. But why are you walking him again? Its getting dark out and mom told us stay in the house."

"Idc what mom said. I'm almost 18 and I'm walking the dog. Are you going to tell her?" I asked

"No just be safe Sam." She said kinda sad.

"I will, now don't go anywhere or do anything till I get back."

"Okay." Jessie says and heads back to her room.

I get in the elevator, press the lobby and walk out the building.

For an early Friday evening, there's people already drunk, you hear music blasting, you hear women arguing. Men playing dice, kids running around. I can't believe Jessie and I have to be stuck in the house on a Friday night. The streets look so alive. Although I'm not use to it, it feels good coming outside.

I usually walk a certain way when I walk the dog, but this time I walked another way. When I get to the ending of the street I hear music coming from a specific house and hear noise of people laughing and partying. I just took a peak as I passed the house and seen a bunch of guys and girls in the front dancing to reggae music. Those girls can shake their ass. Something I can't do. I wonder how they can move their body like that. I quickly got out of my thoughts and just started walking back home.

Suddenly I hear a voice say "Sammie?" Before I turned around I assumed it was someone from school again. But when I turned around I noticed it was the guy from I dropped soda on his sneakers at the store a couple months ago.

"Ummm I'm sorry who are you again? You look familiar." I asked knowing damn well I remember him.

"Wow I must've not meant shit to you that day you dropped soda on my sneakers and you rushed out the store so quick. I wanted to replace your soda." He said with his cute smile.

"Oh yes that's right, Darius?" I asked acting surprised.

" Yeah I knew you couldn't forget me, cause I never forgot you" he said making me blush.

"What are you doing around here?" He asks me.

"Well I live right there" I pointed at the projects.

"You live in the Franklin Projects?" "No way ! I use to live there" he said with excitement.

"Oh wow small world" I said not really knowing what else to say.

"Wait but what are you doing living there?" He asked and I didn't know whether to be offended or not.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a look of confusion on my face.

"I mean it's not everyday you see a white girl in the hood or hear that she lives in the projects." He says.

"You see one now" I said.

"Sarcasm I like" he said

"Why don't you give me your number so we can link up and get to know each other better." He asks me again as he passes me his phone to write my number.

I thought about it for a second and said ehhh what the heck why not. Bad enough I couldn't go to David party, I have no friends at school and I'm always bored in the house. A new friend wouldn't hurt. So I gave him my number and walked back home.

While I'm in the elevator I start thinking about him. He is so cute. He made me feel wet down there. I can't believe it. I never had sex before but for some reason when I decide I'm ready I want it to be with him.

Omg what am I thinking. I don't even know him. I'm going crazy now.

I walk in the house and just laid on the sofa watching tv. I know I'm so bored eventually I will fall asleep.

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