Chapter 2

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It was a hot summer day in July and its been only 1 week since we moved in so jessie and I don't know anyone yet. All of our friends live on the other side of town so they were too far to go to since my mom doesn't have a car anymore. I wouldn't want to invite them over here either because this isn't what they're use to and as soon as you get on the elevator it smells like piss. Although I told my mom I liked our new home, I am embarrassed. I don't mean to sound selfish because I know she tried her best after my dad death, especially that he didn't leave us with anything. I still don't understand how my dad worked at the stock exchange at Wall St. And yet we're broke. Theres nothing we can do now. This is our new life and I have to get comfortable with it.

Jessie and I had to share room. Something neither one of us are use to because our old home was huge so we had our own rooms plus like 3 extra spare rooms.

I'm laying on my bed starring at the ceiling, while Jessie hangs posters up of justin bieber on her side of the room.

"Hey jessie you wanna get something to eat?" I said
"Yes sure, I want to get out this house anyways" says Jessie.

As we come out the building we see groups of people just standing and sitting all in front starring at us as we walk by. I guess they wasn't use to seeing 2 white girls with blonde hair and green eyes coming out the projects. I just hold Jessie's hand and keep walking until we was away from the projects.

"That was awkward" Jessie says.
"I'm going to have people stare at me every day on my way to school."

"You don't have to worry, I'll be walking with you" I said.

"Yeah but only for this year because you're graduating soon" says Jessie

"You'll be fine, I promise. Besides mom said we won't be living here for long" I reminded her.

She smiled and we walked to the Blvd to get some food.

On our way back home I stopped at the store to get a 2 liter soda for the house. After I paid for the soda I turned around to walk out and accidentally bumped into a guy behind me and the soda fell on the floor and popped open everywhere and noticed his sneakers got dirty. I immediately apologized and grabbed napkins from the counter and started cleaning the mess and wiping his sneakers desperately because I was scared.

"Chill, chill, chill lil mama, it's ok, ok, get up" The guy said with a smile as he lift my arm up from wiping his sneakers. I looked up at him and couldn't help how handsome he was. He had a low cut with his waves on swim and he had some light brown eyes with a light brown skin tone. He had one ear pierced and he was tall and built. He definitely caught my attention because I never expected to find someone attractive in this neighborhood.

"What's your name lil mama?"
"I'm Darius but everyone calls me hoops because I like to play basketball."

"I'm Samantha but everyone calls me sammie, I gotta go, sorry" I rushed out the store and walked back home quickly with Jessie.

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