Chapter 5

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Our walk to school was only about 10 minutes. We knew our way already because of when my mom registered us during the summer.
There was a sign in the front doors that said
"Freshmans in the Auditorium"
I looked at Jessie and said "Come on, I'll take you."

As we walk in the school we had a few people take a double look at us both but living in this neighborhood for 2 months already kinda has me use it to.

"I'll meet you in front after school, good luck and don't be nervous." I told Jessie as I grip her shoulder.

Jessie gave me a hug and then I walked to the main office to find out my class.

I wasn't as nervous as she was because this is my last year of school. Once I turn 18 and finish school, I plan on moving back to live with my best friend Hailey's  parents. They said as long as we have a job and can show them we are responsible, I can stay until I save up enough money to get my own apartment around there. I just know any place is better than where I live now. I just hate to crush Jessie's heart like that when she finds out I'm going to leave her. But when the time comes I hope they understand. Besides my mom said she doesn't plan on staying for long so maybe things will work out after all so Jessie and I will live close to each other again.

I walked into my first period class and I heard a boy saying "damn snowflake" and another boy say "ok I see you barbie." I heard a few people laughed and felt my face turn red. I then heard the teacher say " You must be Sammie", "Take a seat, and don't worry about those boys, they haven't reached man hood yet." The whole class laughed and one boy said "yeah yeah Mr.Jackson you're tryna be funny with your bald headed ass." The whole class laughed at what the boy said, so then Mr.Jackson said "Just like your mama" and then whole class started laughing at Mr.Jacksons comment now. The boy looked upset cause his friends were laughing at him and one boy said " your mama is bald headed though!" Everyone just kept laughing until Mr.Jackson settled the class down and began by introducing ourselves. I just sat on my seat until it was my turn, thinking to myself "Its going to be a long year."

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