Chapter 4

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It was my first day of high school and I'm extremely nervous especially that none of my friends from middle school will be in the same school with me. My sister Sammie is in the same school as me but shes a senior so this is her last year of school and doesn't have to worry about making new friends like me.

"Sammie I'm nervous I don't wanna go, can I just stay home when mom goes to work please?"

"No you can't, I was nervous my first day of high school also. It's normal trust me you will feel better at the end of the week" she says.

"I'm just afraid to stand out. I'm going to be the only white girl in a school full of Hispanics and blacks, I don't want people to make fun of me." I said in a shy voice

"You're exagerratimg" says Sammie.

*Knocking on the bedroom door*

"Are you girls ready for your first day of school?" My mom asks as she opens our door.

" I'm nervous mom" I said.

"Don't be baby, now come to the kitchen and eat breakfast before school."

As Sammie and I eat our breakfast my mom tells us she's about to start working 2 jobs morning and night which requires less time with us but assured us that shes doing this for us 3 and the more she works, the faster we can move.

"Mom don't slave yourself for us, you've done enough" I told her.

"Yeah mom we would like to spend more time with you especially since jessie and I have no friends around here" Sammie says.

" I would love to spend more time with you girls, but unfortunately right now I can't.  Hopefully you girls make new friends at school so you would feel more comfortable" says Reba.

" Ok mom, you're right, we love you, have a good day at work." Sammie and I told her.

"Love you too girls. Good luck on your first day of school."

We continued eating our food, then headed out the door for our first day of school.

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