So We Meet Again

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Running into my house, I quickly looked in the mirror. My mascara was running, my hair was all over the place, and I looked like I had a bucket of water thrown on my face from sweating so much.

"Shower it is." I mumbled, taking the steps two at a time. Running past the cream painted walls littered wtih family pictures -a few with Harry and I in them- I ran into my bathroom in my bedroom. My parents had decided to give me the master bedroom since they were never home.

Running into the tiled bathroom, I hurried quickly into the shower, despite the freezing temperature of the water. If Harry was going to see me now, he was going to see me while I look good. Jumping out of my fastest shower ever, I threw on a bathrobe and blowdried my hair, straightening it and running out to my bedroom.

"Hmm. Now what do you wear when you're meeting with your ex boyfriend?" I mused, shuffling through my clothes in the walk in closet. This place was like heaven compared to my old room. Equipped with a walk in closet, bathroom, and balcony, I guess this would look like heaven to anyone with my old room. 12 by 12 with hardly any closet space, it was hell for a teenage girl.

Sighing, I fingered through my clothes, looking for something acceptable. Finally, I picked out a blue tank top with a black cardigan and light blue denim shorts. Pulling on white wedges, I put on eyeliner and mascara, dabbing on dark red lipgloss. Smiling at my reflection, I pulled out my phone and began texting my best friend, Ashley.

I met Ashley a few months into my Sophmore year. She was new to town, and the principal assigned me as her designated tour guide. It was times when the principal needed favours that I hated the fact that I actually applied myself. He gave me and Ashley the same damn schedule. I had to show her around a lot, tell her who to talk to and who to avoid like the plague, where her - our - classes were, and I had to actually talk to her. After Harry left, I was really antisocial. I dropped from everything except for my studies. I needed to have good grades and get into college. I couldn't working in that damed bakery my entire life.

As Ashely and I talked more and more, we realized we had absoultely nothing in common. She was your typical popular girl, while I was the outcast. I was pretty popular before, since Harry was my boyfriend, and he was extremely popular. I guess that's all that made me desireable to the guys that kept flirting with me: I was what they couldn't have. But, when Harry and I broke up, they didn't even talk to me. The chase was over, and I was available again; No one wanted something they could actually have.

I was dog shit next to Ashley.

That didn't stop her from setting me up on dates with guys though. Oh no, she set me up plenty. I wanted to kill her after the third date. Toby McCallister was date number three: Popular boy, gorgeous, every girls dream, pretty much. Too bad he's the biggest douche the world has to offer.

One: You do not take girls on dates to McDonalds. Two: You do not comment about said girls choice of food. Three: You do not tell a girl she should walk home to burn off all the calories she just ate.

I didn't let her set me up on any more dates after that.

After about 10 minutes, I heard a knock on the door. 'It's about time,' I thought in my head.

Jumping up from my comfortable position I was hosting on the love seat, I ran to my door, flinging it open. Standing before me was a very handsome boy. I felt like I was eye raping him from how my eyes were dancing over his body. From the smirk on his face, I could tell he was enjoying this.

"Avery! I've missed you so much! Oh, you look amazing!" Harry attempted to hug me, but I refused. I pushed him away from me hard, glaring icily at him. "What the hell's your problem Avery!" He yelled out, holding me back.

"You're my problem, you low-life, scum sucking, bastard. I fucking hate you so much. You're such an ass!" I screamed at him, trashing about, trying to get our of his grip.

"Oh, I'm that ass, is that it? Because you're the one that ignored me, Ave. If anything, you're the ass!" Harry yelled at me, dropping my hands and stepping away.

"I'm an ass? Oh, that explains everything! I guess that's why you left, isn't it! Because I'm an ass!" I yelled out, laughing bitterly.

"Well you weren't too wonderful, so yeah, maybe that is why I left," He said to me, anger glinting in his eyes clear as day. I used to find  that look nice on him, but now that's it's directed on me, I hated it. I hated him.

"You left because you're a selfish bastrad who didn't think of anyone but himself!" I yelled back at him, throwing my hands in the air and taking a few steps back. "I don't care how successful you are, you're the worlds biggest fuck-up to me." I glared at him, challenging him to continue.

"I can't believe how much two years can change a person. You're an even bigger bitch now than you were when we were younger," He countered, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes at his antics.

"You aren't too amazing yourself, Styles. Not at all who you were. I guess two years really can change a person." I growled out, and I heard a snicker from the side of my porch. Walking over towards the sound of the voice, I found four strange boys staring up at me.

"What the fuck!" I screamed out in surprise, tripping over my own feet. I was waiting for the impact of the ground, but it never came. Instead, two strong arms were wrapped around my waist. "Get the fuck off of me." I said, shoving him away. He glared at the 4 boys in the bushes.

"What are you lot doing here?" He growled out, teeth clenched and arms crossed in front of him.

"Well, live entertainment! Who would miss that oppurtunity?" The higher voice asked. I stared at the curiously, waiting for an answer as to who they were, and why they were at my house.

"Who the hell are you?" I glared at them, inspecting their faces. They all stood up, looking at me incredilously. Was I supposed to know them? Sure, they were all good looking, but does that really call for their ego to be so large?

"Well, I'm Liam Payne, that's Zayn Malik, next to him is Niall Horan, and on the end is Louis Tomlinson." The boy, appearently Liam, said, pointing to each individual boy.

"I think you already know Harry." Louis said to me with a smirk. I glared at him, but he just grinned merrily, as if this day were as jolly as every other one.

"We're all a part of One Direction." Zayn said.

"That stupid boy band?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow towards the boys.

"Yes, the stupid multi-million dollar boy band," Harry said in response. I sighed and turned to him, completely and utterly frustrated.

"Did I ask you to talk, Styles?" I asked him moodily, still glaring non-effetively. "I know what One Direction is. But I'm talking to your band mates, not you," I said with a fake smile, and turned back towards the others.

"Can we come over sometime?" Called out one of the voices. I turned around, quirking up an eyebrow. Seriously? Did they seriously just ask that?

"Why don't you all ask Harry? I'm sure he has the correct answer," I muttered, and flipped them off before walking into the house.


Hah! So they meet again(: Even though there's only one person reading this right now, I have confidence there will be more! So, this chapter sucked as usual, but right now it's 5:15 in the morning and I haven't gone to bed yet so you get what you get.

Good night friends!

Lauren. Xx

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