When A Bad Day Becomes Terrible

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My body hurt. My head hurt. My heart hurt. Everything hurt nowadays, and it seemed as if I could do absolutely nothing about it. I was going in and out of conciousness, catching small parts of conversations or orders as they were said, not necessarily understanding what was going on. Was there something wrong? I felt like shit. Was there something wrong with me? Dear lord, what's happening?

"-nto the stretcher. She nee...."

*     *     *

"-et the oxygen m...."

*     *     *

"rdly any puls...."

*   *   *


The doctors unloaded Avery onto the crisp white bed in the ICU unit of the hospital, setting her down gently. There were cuts and bruises dancing along her skin, daring someone to lay a finger on them. It was literally impossible to carry the girl without touching a scratch or bruise.

There Avery lay, IV's hooked up to her arms, needed to just barely keep her alive. They did not inform her parents of this accident, seeing as they were currently in a remote part of Africa with no signal anywhere. They did, however, call in her next of kin : Kara Jordane. She was in hysterics over the phone, yelling that she'll be right there as she grabbed her car keys and ran out her door.

Kara had informed Ashely McGuire of the situation and picked her up on her way to the hospital. They bursted into the room, only to be usherd out by nurses.

"Visiting hours are in twenty minutes," They briskly said, leading them into the waiting room. They were soon screaming at the two nurses, demanding to speak to a manager. Of course, this was a hospital, so they couldn't necessarily talk to a manager. They slunk back to their seats with five minutes until visiting hours, and even though Avery probably wouldn't be able to talk to them - she was still unconscious - they were still excited as ever.

When the clock struck 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Kara and Ashley ran to room 3024C and opened the door quickly, walking into the small room, welcoming the smell of antiseptic along with it.

Sitting among the multiple layers of white sheets and blankets was Avery Jordane, looking at peace for the first time in months. The only real way you could tell she was there was her dark hair shining against the arrays of white. Her naturally tan skin had grown a ghastly pale, making her look sick. Then again, she was sick.

Kara began crying at the sight of her little sister sitting there, knowing she couldn't do anything about it. Ashley was stock still, shocked at the sight in front of her. Both girls knew what they were entering, but they weren't counting on this.

The girl was battered and bruised, long red gashes recently stitched up adorning her skin. Her skin was lifeless and pale, giving off the illusion the girl was dead. Without the machines hooked up to her, she actually would be dead.

The steady beeping sound of the heart monitor reigned surpreme thorugh the deathly silent room, challenging anything - anything at all - to make a noise.

The article lying on Avery's nightstand had the crash on the cover, along with the not-so-flattering senior picture taken last year. Could they not have gone to her facebook, and gotten a picture that showed off something better than her mid-sneeze?

Both girls had managed to calm themselves down in the span of ten minutes, after being reassured multiple times that Avery would be okay.

An hour later, nothing had changed. Ashely and Kara were silent, looking longingly at the motionless girl on the bed. The nurses would come in and do little tests, not explaining them to the two concious girls. They wouldn't have understood the nonsense anyways.

The clock was threatening to turn 6:30, which meant only a half hour of visiting hours left. How depressing this must seem to the passerbyers, if they were bothering to acknowldge the room. Other than a few pitying glances from the nurses and doctors, there wasn't really anything else.

Suddenly, there was a crash in the hallways. Many shouts soon followed, along with many 'Sorrys', on who's part was a mystery. The two girls exchanged quizzical glances, then looked back at Avery. Why wouldn't she wake up? She should be okay. Avery was a sweet girl, who hadn't done anything wrong. All the wrong had been done to her, yet she was the one in the hospital bed. It wasn't fair.

The door burst open, and the girls looked behind them, heavily annoyed. How dare they make that much noise, and crash into a random room! Oh, but it wasn't a random room. They were most certainly in the correct room, even if the girls wished they weren't.

"Get out." Kara growled, glaring at each and every boy individually, as if they were a piece of trash. To her, they actually were.

"Is Avery okay?" Louis asked, coming forward and taking her ice cold hand in his. Ashley smacked him away, guarding her best friend from these terrible boys. They both glared at the five, who were standing there, chancing glances at Avery. It wasn't the pretty sight they were used to.

"Does she look okay?  You little fuck ups ruined everything, and now she could die because of you!" Ashley yelled.

"How is it our fault?" Harry asked. "It's not like we were in the car." His reasonable thinking was going nowhere.

"It was all your fault wether you'll admit to it or not. Leave, or I'll take my foot and shove it u-" But something cut Kara off. A familiar beeping sound that once ruled the room was going unusually fast.


Nurses ran into the room, shoving the seven visitors out of the room. They drew the curtain, and they were cut off from any view of the room. They were sheltered once again. They didn't know if Avery was okay, if she was even still living. The feeling swept nausea acrossed them, making them sick with worry.

Just like that a bad day became terribly, terribly worse.


Hey guys, it's Lauren! I haven't updated in foreeeeeever! If I ever take this long to update again, please yell at me! But over a message. Don't come to my house.

I like this chapter. This is probably one of my favorites that I've written so far. What do you guys think?

I broke up with Brady. If you read Wasting Away, you probably know why. If not, here's a little summary : Depression is a disease that affects many, and I am on of them. Lately I've been thinking a lot of things, and I didn't want to drag him down with them. So...yeah. The less people in my life, the less people I have to worry about dragging down.

So that's it! Drop and comment and click that little vote button. It menas the world to me(:


Lauren, Surpreme Overlord of IKEA

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