Colliding With Lies

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That awkward moment when the world freaks out about your existence just because of a fucking tweet.

I mean, honestly, a tweet sent my entire life way out of proportions. Yes, Liam Payne tweeted me. Yes, he included the rest of the guys, saying that they needed to talk to me.

Who gives a fuck? It's not like they're talking to you, douche fucks.

I sighed, squinting my eyes through the light shining in through my windows. Today would probably be just like any other day: Sit in my house alone, sing along to old Billy Joel songs, watch movies, and go to bed.

I literally rolled out of bed, falling to the floor with an oomph. I rolled acrossed the ground, making my way over towards the door, army crawling at the halfway mark. Not everyone is as skilled as me.

I grabbed my phone on the way out of my room, standing up once I was out of the door and walking down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the gallon of milk and drinking straight from it. Disgusting? Yes. Do I care? No. Cows worked hard for this, and I will drink it however I want.

Looking around for something to eat, I realized two things. One : I was out of food, and two : I had run out of ice cream. I groaned loudly, shaking my head in displeasure. Ice cream and I are like rain and thunder : We're never apart.

Should I go to the store? Scenario one would be that I go to the store, get food, and be as happy as a mofo. Scenario two involves my neighbors smelling a disgusting smell and finding me dead from starvation.

While I was a lazy motherfucker, I was also a hungry motherfucker.

I ran back up my stairs, pulling on a pair of destroyed skinny jeans, a white sports bra, and a navy Jack Wills jumper. Pulling on a pair of black toms, I ran out of my warm house, and into the cold, rainy weather of November.

I sprinted into my baby, only slightly damp from the rain. I started up the car, and upon hearing the engine beginnin to purr, I backed out of my driveway. My radio turned itself on manually, deciding it wanted to sing Everybody Talks by Neon Trees, not that I was complaining. This is one of my favorite songs, after all, the first being Piano Man by Billy Joel.

I began singing along, driving towards Hills Grocers, a local family owned buisness. Ashley's grandfather actually started - and still runs - the store, so I usually get my groceries discounted. I smiled as I pulled into an open parking space, locking my car and walking into the busy supermarket. It was a Saturday afternoon, and since most kids had aboslutely nothing better to do, there were millions of little kids running around with the stickers they give out at the door, teenaged girls and boys alike on their phones, or hanging out near the little cabanna Rupert - Ashley's Grandfather - had set up about 10 years ago when Ashley and I came here all the time.

I sighed, remembering all the little things that had happened here. We had Ashley's 14th birthday party here, where we found out that Sophia Tomphson had a crush on Harry. I had been angry with her, and hadn't spoken to her after that night. About one month later, she began dating Harry, whom I had had a crush on since I was 7.

Slag got bitch slapped.

And of course, as the story goes, I got the boy. We just didn't work out. 

To me, we were perfect for eachother.

To Harry...not so much.


It seems like no one reads my other ones, so I'm writing this one in the middle! Hah! So, for the next chapter, I want 3 comments and 2 votes? Are we capable of that? Maybe a new fan. Fans are always nice(:

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