I Want You To Stay

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An hour later, Zayn and I were still sitting on my front porch, a silence blanketing us as if it were a cold winter’s night. In reality, it was a hot summer day in July, but there was still a metaphorical blanket over us all the same.

I stared down at my nails, suddenly interested in the chipping hot pink paint. Even though I had just painted them last night, I’m horrid at keeping nail polish on, and it quickly chipped away.

Zayn sneezed, drawing my attention to him again. “Bless you,” I mumbled, ducking my head down, looking at my fingers again. I couldn’t help but notice how small they were in comparison to Zayn’s, and how well our hands would mend with each other’s if held together.

“Thanks. So, this must be pretty weird, right?” Zayn asked me. I only nodded in response, not trusting my voice. I knew it would waver from all the emotions coursing through my veins at this moment.

“You want an explanation, right?” Once again, a nod was my only answer. Zayn took a deep breath, and let it out again. He was having an internal battle within himself, that much was clear.

"I feel awful about all of this, Avery, I really do. I know that I don't seem genuine, because of the whole Perrie thing, but I really do love you. I love you a lot." There he goes again, throwing around an 'I love you' as if it will magically fix everything.

"Yeah, well you have Perrie now, so I shouldn't really matter, should I?" I responded dryly, staring him in the eyes for the first time since he's gotten here. They were still golden, oh so golden, the kind of gold that you'd melt in, one of the things that was happening to me now.

"Perrie was just a publicity stunt. She needed more publicity in America, and being with her helps the male demographic for the band. You never gave me any time to explain, even though I should've told you from the start and not hid it from you until you had to see it yourself. Perrie meant - no, means - nothing. I love you, Avery. I love you so much. I don't want to imagine anything without you. Please, Ave, just give me one more chance."

I scoffed. "Why the hell do you need a second chance? You not only lied to me, but you didn't even feel the need to tell me about it! I hate that you can't eve-" I was abruptly cut off when Zayn placed his lips on mine, mingling together his taste of cinnamon and smoke, something I've grown to love. Before I knew it, I was kissing him back with as much integrity as he was. This kiss wasn't like our other kisses. Our previous kisses were all lust driven, with the intent of sex and pleasure. But this kiss - this kiss was different on so many levels. It was needy, filled with passion, and anger, and angst, and confusion, but most of all, it was filled with love.

Much too early, the kiss ended. Zayn rested his forehead against mine, pecking my lips again lightly before looking me in the eye.

"Avery, I'm sorry. But please, for the love of god, take me back. I'm a fool to let you go. Jus-" But this time, it was I who cut Zayn off with a kiss.

* * *

An hour later, after talking about anything and everything, Zayn and I walked back into my house. We were greeted by laughter, coming from the living room. I walked in, hand in hand with Zayn. The laughter stopped, and everyone looked over at us. There were many emotions acrossed the room: My parents were confused, since they'd never heard of Zayn before, much less heard of him. I didn't necessarily tell them a lot while they were gone. Next to them was Paul and Niall, who looked pretty amused looking at a pissed off Harry. Harry's jaw was tight, his hands clenched. He was glaring at our joined hands. I gave him a look, but he just completely blew me off.

Well that wasn't too nice.

"Hello, sweetheart! Who's your friend?" My mother said, overly enthusiastic. She was grinning ear to ear, now standing before Zayn and I. Zayn smiled at her nervously, obviously trying to make a good first impression.

"Mom, this is Zayn, my.." My voice trailed off and I looked at him questioningly. We hadn't really classified what we were.

"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend," Zayn's boyish grin lit up the room, causing me to grin. Ashley looked at me with a look of disbelief, while Kara looked like she was almost as angry as Harry. By now, Harry was red faced and glaring at Zayn, who glared right back. Niall nudged Harry and gave him a look, and Harry just stalked out of the room.

"I'll be right back," I said to Zayn, snaking myself out of his hold, but he grabbed a hold of my wrist. He kissed my cheek before let me fully escape him.

Harry had walked into the backyard and was kicking stones around our pond that my mother had put in last summer, after her and my father's trip to Japan where they learned the ways of trainquility from Monks. He groaned, and threw a rock at our white picket fence, successfully making a small black mark.

"What the hell is with you, Harry," I asked him, turning him around by his shoulder. He just glared at me, hatred seeping through.

"No, Avery, what the hell is with you?" Stunned, I just looked at him. He just shook his head of quiffed curly hair. This was a big difference in the boy that I knew just last night.

"God Avery, do you not understand? He hurt you! He lied to you, he hurt you so bad, and he wasn't there to pick up the pieces! Becuase of him, you hated all of us! Do you not see what a total dick he is? How are you back with him." His last sentence was more of a rhetorical question, but I still felt the need to answer it.

"Because he makes me feel special. He loves me, and I love him. Besides, it's not his fault that you all went along with him. You're all just spineless pricks! Plus, he's not the only one who's lied and hurt me, you know. You hurt me just as badly as he did."

"Well at least I had the courage to apologize quickly. He left you alone for nearly four months, Ave! He's a douchebag!"

I was shaking with anger by this point. "The only douchebag here is you. Now, I want you to get out of my house before we both say something we may regret. So just get out, now."

Without another word, he walked to the garden gate and slammed it shut, the same with his front door. I walked back inside, frustrated beyond belief.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Zayn asked, coming into the kitchen.

"Nothing," I snapped, glaring at him. He held his hands up in a universal 'I surrender' sign. I sighed and shook my head. "I'm sorry Zayn. It's just... Harry. He's pissed off right now, and he's being a dick, so I'm taking it out on you. I have no right to do that, and I'm sorry," I mumbled into his chest after he held his arms out for a hug.

"It's okay baby. Just let him cool off. He's just frustrated, after all. He and his girlfriend have been on and off lately, and it's just making him pissy."

"Harry has a girlfriend? Since when?" I asked curiously, my head popping up. Zayn grinned and ruffled my hair, as if I were a child. I glared mockingly up at him, causing him to laugh.

"Her name is Chloe, she's a really nice lass. They've been dating for about three months, but they're on and off again, not very stable. But as long as old Haz is happy, so am I."

I nodded along with him and mumbled an unenthusiastic, "Yeah, me too."


Hey guys! Lauren here. So I have a boyfriend..... What the hell why. This is such a different concept to me, I'm always single. Oh well, this is something I'm looking forward to getting used to.

So, this is chapter.... Umm 13 I think? Woah, 13 chapters already! I expected to quit, but I didn't, because I'm a good person. So claps for Lauren!

Vote if you like Zayn

Comment if you think Harry's on his period

Fan if you're surprised by the fact that I have a boyfriend (Is it possible to fan myself?)

Love ya'll!


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