Five Obnoxious Guys and Delicate Eyes

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I ran into the house, full of absolute giddyness. I just kissed Zayn. I just kissed Zayn. I just kissed Zayn. Zayn just kissed me. Zayn just kissed me. Zayn just kissed me.

I was still fangirling when I was in the shower. I was still fangirling when I put on a facial mask. I was still fangirling when my sister drove over - I do actually have an older sister of 3 years, but Zayn didn't need to know that - so we could discuss every detail. I was still fangirling....well, in reality, I never actually stopped fangirling. If Zayn Malik kissed you too, you'd be pretty fucking happy too.

Lounging around in yoga pants and an old Jack Wills hoodie, I grinned at my sister over my pint of Moose Tracks. We've always been extremly close, ever since she moved out when we were younger. She is my brothers twin sister, although she always quickly deflates that, saying she was adopted. She moved out when she was 17 - a year before Harry auditioned for the X Factor -, moving about 5 minutes away with our grandmother. My mom and Kara always had...issues when it came to seeing eye to eye. (Karma hates mom, and mom thinks Kara's a bitch.) I was 16 when she left. I've always been 1 year older than old Hazza.

I looked over at her, bawling my eyes out. We held eachother and cried, sobs wracking our entire body. For the last few hours, we've been watching chick flicks like there was no tomorrow. We started off with Titanic - move over Rose, god dammit! Let Jack live! - then moved on to Remember Me. While I don't really like Robert Pattinson, he did extremly well in this film. Now, we were finishing up P.S I Love You.

"So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for the signal, when life as you know it ends. P.S I will always love you."

By now, Kara and I are sobbing, and we are the ugliest criers. We tried to laugh at our faces, but then we looked back at the screen and began crying louder. We were pretty much screaming, we were crying so loudly. It sounded like we breed farm animals in here.

Suddenly, there was a very loud and urgent knock on our door, followed by shouts of, "AVERY!" "LET HER GO!" AND "CAN I JOIN IN?!" I'm pretty sure that last one was Louis.

Kara and I started cracking up, dragging our sorry asses up from the couch and towards the door. When we opened it, we saw some shocked faces, but mostly disgust. We both had on facial masks, our hair was in ponytails, headbands pushing our remaining fly away hairs back. Tears stained our face, racing eachother down our orange faces - I like dying my facial maks different colors. I pretend that I'm actually cool. - so I'm pretty sure they were freaked out just a little bit.

Niall was staring at our kitchen buffett and living room snacks longingly, Harry was looked at us like he was confused, Liam was touching our faces - it was a little odd - with his pointer finger, Zayn quirked an eyebrow up at me and turned to Liam with a confused look, and Louis had his tounge pointed downwards out of his mouth and was waggling his eyebrows. Finally, Niall broke in and started eating our food. By the time I walked over there to yell at him, half of the fucking bag of chips were gone. Fuck twit.

Louis came inside and immeaditly began fliritng with Kara. With orange shit covering her face. He said something, and she took off some from her forehead and smeared it all over his face. It got into his eyes, and he started screaming bloody murder.

Liam was over with Harry, talking with Niall, eating all of my food. They owe me 20 bucks. Zayn walked over towards me, smiling at me.

"I thought you were getting murdered, Love. Way too much screaming." Zayn said with a smile, still looking wary from the sight of me. I rolled my eyes at him, punching him lighlty in the shoulder. I felt the electric sparks again. He smiled lightly at me, gazing at my face in curiousity.

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