David's Bridal Is Making Me Suicidal

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This chapter sucks ass. I hate it. I'm so brain dead right now? You guys might like it. I don't know what you like. Appearently you like this story, and that's all that I care about. So....yeah. Read on, if you dare!

They didn't stay away. In fact, I don't think Louis even left my porch. I couldn't leave the house without being ambushed by one of them. Fuck twits.

Sure, I didn't mind being ambushed by Zayn -Total eargasm when he talks. Holy. Fucking. Hell.- but the others were getting a bit annoying.

Louis just picked me up and ran with me, trying to get me to laugh. Of course, I was screaming cuss words at him the entire time. Niall was cute, just making conversation with me, occasionally making me smile. I've got to hand it to him, he makes shy look hot. Harry kept trying to get me to talk, but I'd just hurry to my car and ignore him. Zayn made me laugh and blush, flirting lightly and shooting me heart-stopping smiles. Liam didn't really try to talk to me. He would occasionally make conversation with me, but that was about it.

Not that I'm complaining. The less that I have to talk to, the less I have to deal with. I walked out of my house, looking out my window like a ninja. God, I'm skilled. Smiling to myself, I grabbed my purse, pulling my hoodie tighter around my body. It had gotten noticeably colder, which made me happy. I never liked heat, I always liked the cold. Lately when I say that, Harry says it reminds him of my heart. Then I mentally shoot him in my head. Sometimes, I think about shooting him in real life, then I remember he's a superstar and it wouldn't go unnoticed if he just up and dissapeared.

Walking towards my 18th birthday present, a red car with a top that can either be up or down, (I know. I sound like such a car enthusiast xD) I got about halfways before someone came up from behind and grabbed me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. While I'm more of a face girl, arms are a very close second.

I wiggled my way around before I found out who my attacker was. I would have known if I had payed attention to the crunching sound in my ear.

"Louis, let me go. I need to go shopping." I said to him through clenched teeth, glaring up at me. With this being the second time today, I'm going to guess that this was his day to attack me. I heard them talking in Harry's backyard while I was in my room with the window open, talking about some kind of a schedule as to who get's me what day. As if they could get me. Well, except Zayn. Zayn Malik can have me whenever he wants.

"Can I come! I want to go shopping! Oooh I"m so great at shopping! I'll hold all of your bags, and I'll buy everything, and I'll do anything you ask. I'll carry you through the mall! We can have an Avery/Louis day! Friends forever!" Louis cried out with a grin, chewing on his carrot. I kept my face blank, looking at him with my bored eyes.

"I don't want to be friends Tomlinson. I want to go shopping alone, carry my own bags, and get strangers in the food court to carry me, not you. Now, let me go." I growled. A flicker of something passed through his eyes before he grinned again, shaking his head.

"No." He said with an amused grin. I continued to glare.









"No-ah wait, damn." I muttered, trying to wiggle out of his grip. He just held me tighter.

"We're going shopping together! Yay!" Louis yelled, grabbing my keys and running towards my car. I slowly made my way over, stopping a short distance away from Louis and looking at him through my eyelashes.

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