Chapter 8 ~ Rosie, Not Rose

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Rosie POV

At Mystic Grill I see Damon drinking at the bar. I  walk to the bar and sit by Damon saying, "You started without me?"

"Na I just thought it would take awhile with you and Klaus" he says not looking up from his drink and then taking a sip of it.

I lean over the table and look at him.

"Well then we made a deal, remember? So come on, by me a drink" I say not really sure if I can get a drink.

"I think your way to young for that, Rosie" He says looking up from his drink.

I smile widely with my chest high and say, "Your right, I am to young. But my curiosity is taking over. So please, Mr. Salvatore, may you buy me a drink?"

He chuckles at me and then finally buy me a drink. And after I take my first sip the sour taste to it slowly fades and I knew this was going to be a long day.


Rosie POV

After a lot of drinks Damon was way over drunk and still I wasn't. So I figured to stop drinking so I could bring Damon home.

It was already like 9:00. We were here all day.

Right now he was at the bar drinking more alcohol so I walked over to him . He turned his head knowing I was there I guess.

"Rose I missed you so much, please have a drink with me" he says with a sad voice.  Rose? He never calls me Rose.

But before I can say no, he grabs my hand and pulls me to his lap. I try to stand up but he pulls me back down.

"Damon we_" I try to say we need to leave, but he puts his finger to my mouth.

"Rose, please. Stay just for me" he says removing his finger from my lips burying his head in my neck.

I take sharp breath as I smell the alcohol scent of a all over him. "Damon, I need to get you home"

He groans and pulls his head away from my neck.

"I thought you were the fun one, Rose. Remember all the fun we had?" he says with a smirk and lowers his head to my neck kissing it.

Jealousy runs threw my body of the thought of someone with him.

I pull away from him and look at him like he's crazy. He was going way to far.

I grab his hand and pull him away from the bar, dragging him out of The Grill. I find his black car and open the passenger seat door, setting him in the car.

I was surprised he didn't do anything. As I walked too the driver side of the car.

As I buckle up I realize I don't have his key's. I look up at Damon to see that he has a playful smile on his face.

I frown at him and say, "Damon, give me your key's"

"You get them" he says playfully.

I roll my eyes at him and reach in his jacket pockets and find them in one. I put in key's and drive away from The Mystic Grill.


Rosie POV

As I pull Damon out of his car I was suddenly thrown over his shoulder making me gasp.

And ran inside, running to his room throwing me on his bed he stand at the end of it taking off his shirt and pants, leaving him with just his underwear on.

My eyes widen and thinks he's going to do 'it' with me but then he laughs and says, "I'm just getting comfortable"

He then jumps on the bed with me and pulls the covers over us. I take off my jacket and throw it on the floor.

And after that he pull me to his chest, to where my head is resting on his chest.

With his arm wrapped protectively around me.

"Goodnight Rose" he says quietly quickly drifting off to sleep. 

But I don't go to sleep after that cause I have questions running thew my head.

Who's Rose?

Did she mean something to Damon?

And if so....

Why am I jealous?


YESSS I finally updated!!!!

Sorry it took me so long, I am running out of ideas. And once agian sorry it is short.

And THANK YOU for the 1,000 Reads.

And also Comment who you want to be together.

PLEASE Vote and I may update sooner. >>>>>> Pic of Damon and Rosie!!!


I Am A Cullen ( Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt