Chapter 17: Gone

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Rosie POV
It's not real.
It's not real!
I screamed in my head. My Tears dropped onto the floor.
I fell onto my knees on the floor, sobbing.
I grabbed my little sisters body and cradled her body in my arms.
"No, please no" I cried. This couldn't be happened, this had to be a nightmare.
A little piece of me was screaming this in my head. I moved a stray piece of hair behind her ear and looked up from her body. The rest of my loved ones laid dead on the floor. There bodies covered in blood.
It felt like I didn't have a heart any more, but I knew it was there.
I could feel the pain of loss.
She kneeled infront of me with a smirk on her face.
She looked at me with an evil grin.
"it's your turn to die" and with that, I was gone too.
4 days earlier

They never found the witch. Because there never never was one. Klaus and my dad came back after finding this out about two days after my dream and told us all. I was excited to see Klaus again but he wasn't he ignored me every time I tried to talk to him. Everyone has been knowing this since they came back three days ago. Yet no one will admit that I will die, no one even dared to say the one word.
Me and Damon have become closer these past few days, he did everything with me and I don't mind anymore. Right now, me and Damon were laying in my bed. His head was in the crook of my neck while he was sleeping. Yet his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I began to play with his black hair, I liked Damon. He was different than Klaus. I love Klaus, but I'm not sure that I love him more than a friend anymore. Damon is amazing. Possessive, but amazing.
He is always there for me, and for that I'm great full.
I swirled a strand of his hair with my finger.
He sighed, making it tickle my neck. I giggled a little.
I could feel his smile against my neck.
"Ticklish?" He said into my ear. I frowned.
"No" I said right away. He unraveled himself from me and hovered over my body. My cheeks were on fire.
He smirked at me and began to tickle my stomach. I squirmed around laughing, trying to push his hands away. He only continued to tickle me and I kept on laughing.
He suddenly seemed serious and stopped tickling me. My laugh faded and I looked at him in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
He only shook his head and laid down where he was moments ago. Only he was on his side looking at me. his expression said it all. I mocked his position and looked at him also.
I knew I was pale and probably looked grey. I bet I looked like a dead women walking.
"Why are you still here? Nothing can stop it, it's going to happen. I'm going to-"
"No! Your not, we are going to find who ever did this to you and stop it." he barked at me with an angry expression. Damon stood from the bed and put his hands threw his hair stressfully.
I stood also standing infront of him.
"Damon, I'm tired of people saying that! We are not going to find out whoever did this! We can't stop it! And I WILL DIE! Damon, practically I'm already dead, I mean look at me"
"STOP IT NOW, ROSIE!" He yelled pushing me against the wall. I couldn't even use my powers against him.
"DAMON IM AS WEAK AS A FUCKING HUMAN! CANT YOU SEE THAT?!? IM GOING TO DIE!" Damon let go of me, but I continued "GROW UP DAMON AND FACE THE TRUTH ALREADY! YOU CANT STOP ME FROM DIEING! NO ONE CAN! IM AS DEAD AS AN RABBIT FACING A WOLF" I screamed at him. Tears streamed down my face then I heard a small whimper by the door. I turned around to see It was Nessie and my mom and dad. Silent tears ran down my mothers cheeks, my sister was sobbing, and my dad looked like he was fighting with himself in his head. I looked at Damon and he seemed emotionless. I pushed past them and ran downstairs, and out the front door. I hurt my family I know I did. Just by speaking my mind. I hated myself, I was going against myself. I thought this as I ran into the forest. I wanted to be dead already, I really did.


Sorry it was short. I hope your excited for the next chapter. I am only doing a few more then it's over :(
But don't cry my birdies...
It's not over yet...
There will be a Sequel!!!!
It has mostly supernatural in it. Any questions? Please I beg you to ask. So

I Am A Cullen ( Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt