Chapter 9 ~ Let's Talk

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Rosie POV

I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep last night. I think it's cause I was thinking who Rose could be. I know it couldn't be my Aunt Rose.

But I needed to know who she was, or is. Maybe a family friend? No cause Damon said he had 'fun' with her. Who would want to have 'fun' with a family friend?

Then I thought maybe she was Damon's ex girlfriend...... Or wife. And why would I be jelous of her? I mean for all I know she's a nobody and Damon is just calling me Rose.

And all my thoughts were interrupted by Damon, moving me closer to him and putting a tighter grip around me.

I could tell he was having a bad dream. So I move a little hoping it will wake him up, no luck.

"Damon, wake up" I whisper, but he doesen't budge. "Damon" I say a little louder. And his grip loosens as he falls into a better dream. I hope, at least.

I pull myself out of his arms carefully. And go to his bathroom to take a hot shower.


After I'm finished taking a shower. I realize I have nothing to wear, I couldn't wear those cloths I wore for two days. Not to be girly or anything but they are dirty.

So I wrapped myself in a towel and unlock the bathroom door  and peeked my head out to see if Damon was awake.

 But to only see Damon, still asleep.  "Damon, wake up" I say load enough to wake him up.

His eyes open and looks at me with a huge smirk and says, "So you can't find your cloths? They have to be around here someone"

My jaw drops as he says this. He thinks we had did 'it' last night!

"Damon, we didn't do 'that' last night" I say with my teeth clenched. "I took a shower, and I'm not going to wear dirty cloths"

"So what your saying is that you need to wear my cloths" he says leaning against his elbow,  and wiggling his eyebrow. I laugh and say, "Yes, I need to borrow your cloths"

He stands up from his bed and grabs me a pair of his underwear and a grey v-neck shirt. He brings it to me and smirks, again.

"So what did happen last night?" he asks. "Let me get dressed and tell you" I say closing the door changing into his cloths. And why was I happy about this?


When I finished getting dressed I walked out the bathroom seeing no sign of Damon. So useing my super hearing.

I hear Damon and Stefan talking about something I couldn't quite hear. So I go downstairs and walk up to them saying.

 "Wacha talking about?" I ask in a childish way. Stefan looks at me and says, "Nothing important"

'As if.' I think to myself.

"Hey, I really need to call my mom. So can I borrow your phone?" I ask Stefan holding out my hand. "Sure," He says as he pulls out his phone and gives it to me with a smile.

Admittedly I walk outside in the backyard to have privacy. I call my mom and wait for her to answer.

On the fourth ring, she answers.


"Mom, it's me, Rosie"

"Rosie? Are you okay? Where are you"

"The dog didn't tell you? I'm in a small town called Mystic Falls" I say with a scowl. I'm not that good with the dogs. I think Jacob is okay but, I don't like the dogs.

"Rosie don't call him that. He's Nessie's imprint, and he's our family"

I roll my eyes and get serous when the Voltori come to my mind. "Mom, when is the Votori coming?"

"Alice left a note saying before the snow sticks to the ground. We are getting family and friends to help us against the Voltori. But we won't start a war.

I hope the Voltori won't either. We all need you here soon as possible. We know the Voltori is after you, it's safe here with us"

As my mom says this I walk into the woods, and start wondering around. But stop when she says the Voltori is after me.

"Why are they after me?"

"We're not sure, we hope to find out" 

Why would they come after me? I think to myself as I walk deeper into the woods with my head looking down.

"Okay mom I'll come home. I'll be there by tonight"

"Good we'll see you tonight. and we found someone, who has a power familiar to yours his name Benjamin. He can help you here, in Forks"

I nod to myself and say, "Good. How does Nessie look?"

"She looks around 13 now" she says. I can tell she is smiling right now. "Great. I've got to go now mom. I'll see you tonight. I love you"

"Bye Rosie. Love you to"

I hang up the phone and look up from the ground seeing trees, trees, and more trees. Crap.

So what I did was just listen to whats around me and after awhile heard cars driving down a street. I walk toward the street hoping it leads to the Grill.

So I can get my car and drive to Forks.


Rosie is going HOME!!!! What do you thinks going to happen there. Rosie never met the rest of the pack. Who knows she might be someone's inprint??? 

So Comment below and type who you want to be together. And Vote if you like the book. And Read the book.

- Like_A_Bird

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