Chapter 1

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    "Why are you even here Stiles! Just leave we don't need you right now! You're just a human anyways!" Jackson yelled at Stiles who just finished making some sarcastic remarks. Stiles and the pack looked at Jackson in shock who also looked shocked at himself what he just said.
    Stiles slowly got up and walked to the door and left without saying anything. Before anyone could say anything they all were consumed by a bright light. When everyone opened their eyes they were in a white room with chairs and some couches and the sheriff and Peter were also in the room. Stiles was on a table in the middle of the room, unconscious. The sheirff ran to him and tried to wake him up, yelling. "Stiles! Son! Wake up!"
Everyone gathered around and tried to wake him up, but stopped their efforts when the screen turned on and they all reapeared in a certain spot. "What's going on?" Lydia asked with uncertaincy in her voice.

[A close up on stiles face shows up on the screan as he is about to speak and gets pushed underwater in an iron tub]
    You know when you're drowning you dont actualy inhale until right before you blackout.

    "What is this?" Derek asked as ever leaned in closer to see better.

    [Shows Stiles rubbing his face with his hands then to him with longer hair and thinking then to showing him talk again]
    The instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you wont open your mouth until you feel like your head's exploding.

    "What is he talking about and who is he talking too?" Asked a now figiting Sheirff.

    [Shows Stiles rolling and screaming on the floorthen to him staring at something then to him being held underwater]
    And then you finally do let it in and then it stops hurting.

    Everyone was getting figity in their seats as the video continued and more pictures showed up.

    [Shows Stiles at the party staring at something and then back to him talking]
    I'm fine.

    That one sentence sent everyone to stop moving and stare. The sentence being the most familiar thing they have heard. But this time, they knew he was lying.

    [Shows Stiles screaming and the Sheriff trying to calm him down]

    Everyone looked in shock at the scene before them and the Sheriff looking down, trying not to let tears show.

    Yeah, aside from not sleeping.

    Everyone looked a bit saddened at the statment but listens on.

    [Moves to him waking up and looking scared to him flinching badly at something]
    The jumpyness.
    [Moves back to him talking]
    The constant overwelming crushing fear that something terrible is about to happen.

    Everyone looked shocked at the statment. Did he really feel like that all the time?

    [Stiles rubs his face and takes a deep breath then shows him about to cry and a girls voice speaks up]
    It's called Hypervigilace.
    [Shows Stiles with a gun pointed to his head and the girl continues to speak]
    The... persistent feeling of being under threat.

    Everyone looked back to Stiles and then looked back to the screan.

    [Moves to someone banging on a door then to a close up on Stiles lips as he speaks]
    Its not just a feeling, its... like a panic attack-
    [Stiles runs while in his gym unifom while coach is behind him then Stiles continues speaking]
    -feel like i cant breath

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