Chapter 12

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When should the yaoi smut chapter be?

The maze runner-Skycraper

After everyone got downstairs, they all got their food out of the pile. "Hey Derek, you should try this milkshake." Stiles comented, holding up the milkshake for Derek to take a sip. Instead, Derek grabbed Stiles face and kissed him, forcing his tounge through Stiles lips to get the taste of vanilla. When they separated everyone was staring at them with shock or with looks of adoration on their faces at the couple. "Or you could kiss me." Stiles commented, making Derek laugh.

Everyone finished their food and went to the couch, staying silent as the next video popped up.

[Thomas shows up with a gun pointed at Ratman]
Thomas, you have to belive me,

"Wait, Stiles, what are you doing with that gun, and who is that?" Isaac asked his pack mother. "It's a tazer gun and that is Ratman, or Janson if you prefer." Stiles answered, not wanting to reveal much about who and what he did. "Oh, bloody hell Tommy, that's all you have to saw. He shot you and you don't even say anything about what he has done?" Newt asked. Everyone looked at Stiles with wide eyes in rememberance that their best friend was shot. Derek growls and presses Stiles up against him, absent-mindedly massaging the skin around the bullet wound, making Stiles relax into his lover.
[Ratmam speaks and Thomas answers him then a crowd of people show up then the lighning scene in the scorch then to Chuck's death]
I only want what's best for you.

Yeah? Let me guess, WICKED is good?

I love you Thomas

Skies are crying, I am watching, catching teardrops in my hands.

Stiles saw the scene and put a hand to his mouth to stop from crying out. Gally looked down in shame from what he did as the scorchers all got looks of pity mixed with sorrow on their faces. 'He saw him die' was the thought going through everyone's mind. Minho tried to cheer the mood up by saying, "Man Tommy, you really love kids. You two should adopt." Everyone who didn't know how the werewolf antomy works chuckled and laughed a bit, even Stiles. "Or just have our own." Derek commented, smirking at the looks on their faces. "Uh, I don't know if you knew this or not but, uh, I'm a boy!" Stiles shouted, smaking Derek in the head.

Even though he put on a smile, inside he was breaking at the reminder that he could never have children biologically.

"Oh, I know you're a boy. That won't stop anything." Was all Derek said, leaving more confused faces and a little bit of hope into Stiles heart.
[Everyone in the 'safe' WICKED facility show up then Gally shows up when he killed Chuck]
Only silence, as it's ending, like we never had a chance. Do you have to make me feel

Gally flinched as he came onto screne. He hated that ge killed Chuck and will never forgive himself for what he has done, but hopefully, everyone else can.
[Everyone shouting at Thomas from when he first entered the glade and he was running]
like there's nothing left of me? You can take everything I have.

"Man Stiles, I thought you were a slow runner." Peter commented, making all the scorcher laugh because Stiles was the fastest out of them all.
[Thimas looks around the maze then to him and Minho carring Alby out of the maze]
You can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass.
Like I'm made of paper.

"Who is that?" Jackson asked, earning a glare from Stiles and Minho and sad looks from the rest of the gladers. "That was Alby. Our leader." Was all Newt said who had tears in his eyes from the reminder of one of his friends.
[Thomas' interagation with Ratman to Thomas pointing the gun again and then Thomas running and slidding under the closing door just in time.]
Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground,

"Damn Stiles. Just in time." Erica said while clapping hin on the back while everyone else just nodded.
[Janson puts his hands up to the door and Thomas flips him off]
like a skyscraper, like

"Stiles!" Noah shouted at his son who just shruged and shouted out his age.
[Thomas and the gang using the flashlight in an abandoned mall to Brenda and Jorge's buildong being blown up to Thomas stabing himself with a greiver's stinger.]
a skyscraper. As the smoke clears, I awaken and untangle you from me.
Would it make you, feel better to watch me while I bleed?

Stiles grimanced and rubbed his thigh in rememberance of the pain while his family who didn't know what he did gaped. "Micenzyslaw Stilinski(give me a high-five i spelled his name right on the first try)! Why would you do that!" Shouted Noah while people who didn't know his name gaped at him. "I wanted to know what was 'my fault'!" He shouted back. "Ok, can we get to the real crises? Your name?" Minho trailed off as everyone nodded. "It was my grandfather's." Stiles said, which didn't explain anything.
[Thomas pointing his spear at the gladers to Thomas crying as they give the gun to Winston]
All my windows, still are broken, but I'm standing on my feet. You can take everything I have,

"Now who is this guy?" Allison aksed. "Winston." Frypan replied with tears in his eyes in rememberance to his best friend.
[The gladers walking through the dessert as Winston shoots himself to Brenda to muiltiple scenes from the glade and scorch then to Thomas about to set off the bomb]
you can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass. Like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down, I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper. Go run, run, run
I'm gonna stay right here, watch you disappear! Yeah-oh, go run, run, run, yeah, it's a long way down, but I am closer to the clouds up here!
You can take everything I have,

What have you done?

you can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper,


"Now, I've been afraid to ask, but, who is she?" Isaac asked. "Teresa." Stiles answered with hate in his voice. "What are they saying 'no' too?" Allison asked with a skeptic look. Everyone froze up and looked at eachother in slite panic. "I-uh, was going to set off the bomb in my hand." Stiles replied quietly. "You-what!" Everyone yelled at him. "They were trying to take us back! I would rather have gone out free than held captive!"Stiles shouted back, making them all knod their heads in understanding with his logic.
[Ratman gets shot then the ending of The Scorch Trials scene]
oh-oh! Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper!
(Like a skyscraper)
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper!


"Well, that was interesting." Peter dully noted. "How did you guys get out of that facility in the first place? We only saw small scenes." Lydia asked. Before anyone could answer, a video popped up.

Dont forget to answer my question at the top!

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