Chapter 4

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Song is Paralyzed
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Stiles Stilinski || Paralyzed

Everyone looked at the screen again, Derek still fuming at the fact that Stiles, his mate, was branded. The video started and they noticed that it was another music video type thing.

[Stiles name shows up on the screen and the song title]

Everyone's head turned up in interest at the video. The song title seemed a bit gloomy, then again, a lot of the stuff they have seen so far have been nothing but gloomy.

[Stiles shows up in a public place with people around and closes in on his face to see him about ready to cry the music starts]

When did i become so numb? When did i lose myself? All the words that leave my tongue feel like they came from someone else.

Everyone flinches at these words. They were true. When he was possessed by the Nogisune he was forced to say a lot of things he didn't want to, and at some point, Stiles stopped saying his opinion and only said what we wanted to hear.

[Stiles is back in the room with the girl and you can see the red veins on his neck then he is tied up and struggling and diffrent situations]

I'm paralyzed. Where are my feelings? I no longer feel things i know i should.

Lydia started crying and Isaac rubbed her back. Derek kept scolding himself and held onto Stiles hand harder.

[Stiles is in his red hoodie and walks into an elevator and then shows him in his car]

I'm paralyzed, where is the real me? I'm lost and it kills me inside.

Everyone once again flinched and the scorchers all looked at the screen in shock at what has happened to their friend so far.

[Shows Stiles thinking about something then covered in dirt and someome holding him then shows him stepping into an ice bath with clothes on to diffrent senorioes to him running down a hospital hallway then getting dunked into the ice bath to him being with Scott outside in pouring rain and him running into a locked door]

I'm paralyzed. When did i become so cold? When did i become ashamed? Where's the person that i know? They must have left, they must have left, with all my faith!

Everyone started letting the tears they were trying to hold back down. Did he lose faith in them, himself? Is he pretending to be someone he isnt everyday and doesn't know why? All these questions zoomed around in everyone's head as they all kept looking at the screen, most of them not bothering to keep their tears hiden.

[Stiles is at the locked door and he smashes the windows out with a mallet to him yelling then being dragged away and diffrent types of sinarieos]

I'm paralyzed, where are my feelings? I no longer feel things i know i should. I'm paralyzed. Where is the real me? I'm lost and it kills me inside. I'm paralyzed. I'm paralyzed, I'm scared to live.

Everyone froze once again at that lyric. Was he really afraid to live? Everyone started regretting even the simplest things they said to him that could have caused him saddness. Everyone's head turned to Noah when they heard him start sobbing. He grasped the hand of Stiles that Derek wasn't holding and covered his face with the other. "My boy! My boy! I could've done something! Why didnt i try harder to help!" Noah yelled at himself. Everyone kept silent, thinking the same thing. Why didnt they see the signs, why didnt they bother to help when something seemed off, when he stopped speaking as much, when he stopped saying what he really thought?

[Someone points a gun at Stiles then gets shot instead then him yelling at himself to him playing with his car keys while thinking to someone trying to choke him from behind to him running]

Over me but i just watch 'em, i just watch 'em! I'm under water but i feel like I'm on top of it. I'm at the bottom and i dont know what the problem is. I'm in a box but I'm the one who locked me in, suffocating and I'm running out of oxygen. I'm paralyzed. Where are my feelings? I no longer feel things i know i should. I'm paralyzed. Where is the real me? I'm lost and it kills me inside. I'm paralyzed, I'm just so paralyzed. Where are my feelings? Yeah I'm just so paralyzed! I no longer feel things, i have no feelings, i know i should. Oh how come I'm not moving? Why arent i moving?

That was true. He worked so hard to move to diffrent places with them. Worked so hard to accomplish something only to get pushed back by one of them anyways. He should be with them, if not ahead of them. All the scorchers glared that the pack, not daring to say something.
[Noah throws an alcohol bottle at Stiles head]

Yeah! I'm paralyzed, where us the real me? Where is the real me,

Everyone stood up and looked at Noah. "I never did that. Yes, i used to drink, a lot. But i never did, or would do, anything to to hurt him. Not that i am awear of." The werewolves didnt even have to check his heartbeat to know that Noah was telling the truth, his eyes said he wasn't lying.

[Stiles stams his hand onto a wall to him yelling and speaking to him being frustrated]

where is the real me? I'm lost and it kills me inside. I'm paralyzed, I'm paralyzed. I'm paralyzed, I'm paralyzed.

No one dared say anything. Everyone waited until they got their sobbing under control and then the next video popped up but it was nothing that the pack or Noah ever remembered seeing but the gladers sure did. "This is about the maze." Newt said. That was all it took for everyone to start paying attention, wanting to know what happened to their pack member/frienamy/son/mate.


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