Chapter 18

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This video was requested and inspired by Omni_neko
Dylan O'Brien in Deep water Horizon :)

    Everyone waited for the other video to show up but nothing happened. "Is it over?" Jackson asked, lifting his head off his hand. Stiles was about to say something but was cut off by a knock on the door. They all gave each other a confused look before Stiles jumped over the edge of the couch, wincing a little but walking to the door nonetheless.
    When Stiles opened the door there was a paper on the ground. He picked it up and read it as he walked back to the living room. He gasped and tears came to his eyes as he realized it was an invite to the survival reunion of what people had named Deepwater Horizon. That had only happened last year.
    Stiles looked up to see everyone looking at him, worried and confused. "Um, th-there is a place we should be going to now. The next video is there." Stiles said with a shaky voice.
    Everyone went to their rooms and got dressed for the event they were going to.
    Once everyone was dressed they got into their cars and trucks and drove off.
    Once they arrived at the meeting spot Stiles let out a sigh and sat back for what felt like hours. He finally sat up and got out of the car, Everyone else doing the same.
    "So, we are here because I worked here. There was a really big accident and a lot of people died. I was one of the survivors. This is a survival reunion. It. . . it happened last year." Stiles said, explaining the situation to everyone. Everyone looked at Stiles with wide, shocked eyes. Noah walked up to his son and hugged him tightly, feeling his heart break for his son. "They know me by Caleb. I changed my name a lot. Don't ask me why." Stiles said as they continued to walk inside.
    As they entered everyone noticed seats and table everywhere. They signed in and Stiles greeted a few people until everyone sat down for the video.
[Caleb showed up on screen, covered in dirt and oil as people spoke in the background. He looked up and then started clapping and singing until the guy beside him told him to shut up. He greeted Mike and explained everything to him and various other scenes to Caleb walking to use the bathroom but stopping once he heard a noise come from the pipe]
Stiles singing
"Shut up."
"Hey Mike, how you doing man? Lot better a couple hours ago."
"Why's that?"
"Whelp, they all got us woken up and working over. Got a lot of pipe to cool if we going to get out of here tonight. Saw the street closed, is it free yet?"
"Aw listen, Jimmy's pissed and got some bottle up tests."
"Ah-I'm not sure, I don't think so."
"It ain't stupid but-"
"It ain't smart."
"Look at you, synchronized swimming."
"Alright get the hell out of here."
"Yeah baby. Hey boys imma go take a leak, you good?"

    The large group of friends saw almost everyone around them, including Stiles, flinch at the noise.
[Caleb checks the oil out and various other scenes to Caleb and others getting thrown back by the oil spraying out]
"What the hell is he doing?"
"Woah, oh shit. Jason are you seeing this?
"It's not stopping."
"Hey, Jason are you seeing this! What do we do!"

    Everyone flinched as they saw their friend, lover, and son was slammed into a cage wall.
[Caleb manages to turn it off to Caleb tell a guy that he is going to make sure everyone evacuates.]
"We cut the pipe?"
"No, we good."
"Biggest damn kick I ever seen."
"Get everybody!"
"I'm going to make sure everybody evacuates! Get to the lifeboats! Go!"

    "You were very brave Stiles." Lydia whispers into her friend's ear, everyone else nodding in agreement.
[Caleb is with an injured person to various more scenes to Caleb and Mike running out.]
"You gotta get out of here!"
"There's methane everywhere!"
"He's hurt real bad."
"We got to choke this fire."
"I'm with you."
"I'm with you."
"You sure?"

    "Shit." Stiles heard his friends whisper in shock and fear. It was like a tower covered in fire. And in a way, it was.
[Mike and Caleb got through the first flames, a fireball bursting at them and being caught on fire]
"Oh shit!"

    Derek and everyone looks at Stiles in worry, had he gotten any burns or did they put it out in time?
[They pay each other out and more fire flys at them. Mike tries to turn a wheel only to get burned by it. Caleb give him his gloves and they enter the room. Multiple scenes go by to Caleb telling Mike what to do ]
"You got any gloves?"
"Oh you got to be shitting me."
"Come on!"
"Tell em both switch to local. Power switch, press main start button then one right there."
"It's like your reading."
"Very funny. You know I had a full ride to UT Articecture school."
"The hell you doing here?"
"Should have listened to my mom."
"Yeah, you should have."
    The packs look at Stiles in shock. Derek has pride in his eyes and he grabs Stiles hand, who looks up at him and smiles.
[Mike yells into the speaker to Caleb with a girl and a little boy.]
"Mr Jimmy you got any power up there?"
"Should be it. There we go. There we go!"
"Dan Rosco!"

    "Who were they?" Derek asked in worry. "They were a family that was caught in the crossfire in one of your supernatural battles. I got them out and she thanked me. When I came here, we found each other again and ai moved in with her and her son for a while. They were like a sister a nephew. They might still be here but I'm not sure." Stiles explained. Everyone nodded and finished the reunion with more videos and pictures.
    Derek decided to let Stiles visit the girl and her son again and then they all went home, ready to spend some more time together.
    Ever since all of this started, Derek and everyone else could feel that thy have all gotten closer as friends and family.

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