Home abit early (Hank x Connor)

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//Okie well I decided that I may as well do one off these bc 1. I have a lot of ideas /2. I can have some fun with this /3. Bc why the fuck not 😏😊\\ You may want to play of watch someone else play this game if you haven't bc you will be confused \\
<<Ima start now >>

Connors p.o.v

Hank retried a couple months ago we lived together in a friendly way he had a spare bedroom but he doesn't really go in there unless I'm there.
He was at jimmys bar at the moment whilst I sat a home watching tv with sumos head laying on my lap .
I couldn't stop think about hank he was always drunk but it never bothered me he just wants a friendly house mate while I just want him  ,I know it sounds cheesy bc it is , the rush of blood from my chest when straight threw to my pants , I felt heated and a shortage of breath I rushed to my room and shut the door.
~ 5 minuets later ~
I started stroking myself letting myself moan "hmf~"
I went faster having more of a grip on myself.
'Mmm.... H..an..k. Nnm~'

Hanks pov

I got in earlier than I intended I couldn't see Connor on the couch or in the kitchen. Which was confusing because Connor always waited for him.
"Hey Connor , I'm home!"
I knock on the bathroom door no answer
'H...ank...mnh~' I hear from another room not mine but Connors I creak open the door a small enough gap for me to see through
Connor was on the bed his shirt undone exposing his perfectly toned chest and his hair drooling down his face ; tie in this mouth muffling the moans.his back arching in what seemed pleasure.
—I fucking knew it he's masterbating... to me ,I have caught him like this before but god Connor you put you self in such annoying situations— I thought
'Connor I'm home abit early.'
Connor looks up his face goes completely blue and he covers him self up.
'Would y-you mind e-explaining~' I say still looking at Connors toned perfect body.
'I..I..I t-y.ou s-so~' Connors stumbles the tie still In His mouth
He goes a deep sea blue looking away from me avoiding eye contact.i can feel just taking over me.
'No it's it's ok Connor.'
I crawl on the the bed taking the tie from his mouth and pulling him by it pressing are lips together.

~ third person ~ 😏

Connor was submissive to Hank as he took dominance, Connor moaned into the kiss , Hank took off Connors remaining clothes , kissing down Connors chest leaving light hickys making Connors moan under his breath.
Hank moves down to Connors V-line sucking biting it making Connor arch his back in pleasure.Hank kissed him again and got off the bed.
"C-Connor I...I - hope that filled your pleasure for now - I'm going to bed you freak , love ya ."
Connor sat there in silence ,flustered and out of breath he look at Hank with lust as he walked out.

Connor p.o.v

Did he seriously just leave me like this , I'm hot and turned on , a mess and he just leaves , he told me he loves me though .

~ third person ~
Hank walked back to his room sitting on the bed he saw Connors face as he walk out disappointed he could do it no he couldn't lust took over him he shouldn't have done that .
Connor lay on the bed still heated and a deep blue blush his head rested on the pillow still out of breath.
Connor got up ;put on his boxers and walked into the Kitchen Sumo followed him he sat down ,drank some water and sat at the table head in hands doubting himself.
Hank leaned on the door frame , Connor looked up .
"Kid, I'm sor~"

Connor walked up to him and cut him off by kissing him on the cheek and walking back to his room putting shirt unbuttoning the top two buttons then his jeans ;put on his shoes and his jacket , walking out of his room and out the front door and in the car driving off.
Hank could only watch as the car drove away probably to a place he called special.

I'm gonna do a part 2 to this bc it gets interesting then you know I'm lazy af ☺️💦
Word count: 744

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