Drunken Haze /HankxConnor\

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Hewo so it's been a little since I've updated this but I'm still alive sadly, let's get started. ❤️

Connor p.o.v

Hank always went out drinking not coming back until the early hours of the morning, he never cared for me when he was sober really but when he was drunk he was more 'truthful' saying he loves me and does care but he has 'built walls'.
I love him but he doesn't ever understand the fact that I care that I can look after him properly.

Third person 🥃

Connor was in the kitchen making tea when he heard the door open.
"Hank? Are you home, your early."
Connor looked around the corner to see Hank attempting to hang his coat up.
"COnnoR PoUr mE a dRiNk,"
Hank pointed to the Jack Daniels bottle on the side .
"Hank I don't think you should be drinking this late , how about a cup of tea instead or a glass of water."
Connor walked over to Hank helping him out with his coat.
Hank moved quickly slamming Connor up against the wall, kissing him in a drunken haze forcefully, Connor kissed back putting his arms around Hanks neck seeping the kiss, Hank licked Connor bottom lip sticking his tongue inside Connors mouth exploring every inch.
Connor pulled away letting Hank move to his neck leaving dark blue and purple hickeys along his collar bone and upper neck .
"H-ank please don't tease me."
Hank looked up at Connor clearly in a heat, he looked down only to see that Connor had a small problem in his trousers.
"I don't want *hic*to t-tease  you , but it's *hic* it's fun" Hank pick up Connor and stumbled to the bedroom throwing Connor on the bed getting on top of his moving one hand down to Connors erection palming him throw his trousers. "Hank...please" Connor was out of breath.
Hank wasn't to happy about the amount of clothing the two had on and started to strip down Connor as well as himself .

After stripping down to just boxers Connor took advantage and pushed Hank on the bed crawling on top of him kissing his chest softly ,the rubbed through the fabric of Hanks boxers leaving hickeys all over hanks chest and toned v-line. Connor looked up at Hank blushing intensely at a loss for breath ,conner tugged at the elastic of he boxer making  Hank whimper a little ,Connor looked up at hank before pulling down his boxers and letting Hanks large erection free. (literally laughing at what I just wrote ).
Connor put his mouth on the tip slowly bobbing his head up an down making Hank moan softly ,Connor moved faster placing his hands on Hanks hips, Hank yanked Connors hair making Connor gag on his Hanks member. Connor moved back up to Hanks face kissing him passionately switching positions , Hank pulled down Connors boxers jacking him off whilst lining up to Connors entrance.
Pushing himself inside thrusting at a steady pace gradually getting faster, Looking up at Connor a moaning mess but thus point clawing at Hanks back leaving red marks.
"Connor I-I'm not go-nna last~"
Connor nicked his hips making Hank go deeper inside him. The thrusts got sloppy.
"H-Hank I'm gonna cu~" Connor moaned loudly,
"Uh-gh" Connor came over his stomach and chest , not soon after so did Hank.
Both lay on the bed , sweaty and both at a loss for breath ;Hank pulled the sheets over him and Connor , and went to sleep a drunken mess cuddling up to one another.

Pure sin , I can't take myself seriously anymore.😂☕️
Would you like to read/see a Kamski x Conon or Connor , Comments please .

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Word count :638
Not so proud of the word count but oh well

Bu bye sinners 💕

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