/Small Issues\Gavin x Conon

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Yes I've written another Gavin x RK900 ship bc it's easier to write for me idk why but yea so enjoy 😉

Gavins pov

Another day of the job , great Connor standing over my.......that's not Connor.
I stop and stare at the taller android it noticed instead of RK800 it was RK900 a newer model of Connor but I thought -
"Are you detective Reed?" The android stared at me with his icy blue eyes hints of green swirling in them .
"Why do you wanna know prick." I shot back him , his expression was blank but his LED when yellow for a moment but went back to blue afterwards.
"I'm Conon , the android sent by cyberlife to assist you." It said with hardy any expression or tone in his voice .
"Stay out of my way , tin-can !"
I couldn't stand another Connor he was annoying enough then you give me one great.
Where was Connor he wasn't at his desk with Hank, who cares.
I felt a weird heat on my cheeks.
Am I blushing? No why would I .
I went to the restroom looked in the mirror shit I was blushing but what over I don't like anyone here.
Wait no of course I didn't it's wrong , but maybe I did .

Conons pov

Increased heart rate
Increased body temperature
I decided I walk over to a spare desk opposite Detective Reed's
He won't mind.
I scanned the room
Nothing important it's a Police station what of it .

Gavins p.o.v

I walked out the restroom only to see mister tin can say at the opposite desk why Conon I walked to the break room made a coffee.
I walked over to my desk sat down .
I didn't realise but I Was daydreaming just staring at Conon tracing him , his eyes his perfect body his styled to perfection hair
Fuck how can he be so perfect
"Detective?" Conon questioned me tilting his head like a confused dog
"Are you ok?" His eyes were icy but were full of innocence.
"I'm f-fine prick don't ask me shit."

Third person

Conons face turned stern ,annoyed at the most ,he got up and walked away.
Gavin sat there and watched him he didn't expect that entirely from Conon.
He felt something rubbing against his thigh , he had a small issue in his trousers.
What the - he got and looked down the hall some of the training room from a while ago, sound proof gun training mostly,he walk quickly towards the trying not to give it away.

Gavins p.o.v
I walked into the training room and locked the door .
(Remember that 😉)
I didnt know what happened,how did I get turned on by a piece of plastic, for fuck sake. How did I fall for this tin can so quickly.
I had to fix myself quickly I went to the corner ,stroking myself moaning -none would he me anyway- I turned around back to the wall fully jacking myself off ,I was weak.
"Co-non ....fuck" "AH..hg shit!"

Conons pov
"Hey Dectiv..."
where did he go? I looked around couldn't see him anywhere maybe he went out for some air after I stormed off in a rage.
Nope he's not there I couldn't think where he was He clearly wasn't in the break room or outside maybe he was down the hall by all the spare rooms.
All the doors were open except for one I couldn't here anything inside.i knocked on the door still nothing.
Third person
Gavin was drowning in his own moans that he didn't hear Conon force the door open almost breaking the lock but not entirely.
Gavin? Conon was confused to why he was moaning out his name all hot and flushed until he fully realised what was going on.
Conons p.o.v
I felt a needing a wanting a unfamiliar heat on my chest and cheeks.
A feeling 'lust' must have taken over.
Third person-again -😋
"Gavin," Conon looked at him closing and 'locking' the door.
"C-Conon , shit wait I ca-n"
"Shh , it's ok I noticed at the increase of heat rate."
Conon got closer making Gavin anxious but more horny by the second "wa-ait w-hat." Gavin was confused looking at the taller 'males' body getting closer to him his icy blue eyes looked filled with lust.
"You look like you have a small problem there, do you want some help?" Conon smirked making Gavin blush a crimson red.he nodded letting Conon take over his body.
"Beg." Conon whispered "what ." Gavin was shocked but felt himself become the submissive in this situation.
"You heard me. Beg for me." Conon was taken over by lust.
"Please Conon .. I need you ... inside me .. making me moan your name ,punish me."
Conon looked pleased getting on his knees and crawling closer to Gavin kissing roughly snaking his hands down to Gavins member, Gavin moaned into the kiss , Conon breaking it moving to his neck sucking on it leaving dark hickeys on the lower half.
He start to trail his way down to Gavins dick tracing his finger up and down the shaft making Gavins legs twitch in pleasure,
"A..Nnnhgg.. C-Conon please don't tease me ,shit." Gavin moaned .
Conon put the tip in his mouth bobbing his head up and down Gavin was a moaning mess at this point and only wanted one more thing from Conon and he knew that could be coming.
Conon could taste the pre-cum leaking into his mouth he knew Gavin was close but he wasn't finished.
He moved his head from Gavins member ,making Gaving whimper at the loss of contact.
"What do you want Gavin ." Conon looks up at the hot mess of Gavin
"I want you" Gavin was desperate at this point.
Conon took off his trousers and boxers showing his erection picking up Gavin placing him on the Table closer to him spitting on his hand and rubbing over us length lining himself up with Gavins entrance. He looked at Gavin and pressed himself inside Gavin ;going deeper with every thrust.
"Sh-hit AHnGgh.. Conon fasted ,fuck!"Gavin moaned
Conon when faster thrusting harder hitting Gavins prostate making him scream Conons name. Gavin felt a knot in his stomach, knew he was going to cum.
"C-Conon I'm gonna cum, NghH~"
No soon after he came over his stomach and conon's shirt a little.
Conon went slow but was forceful and rough making Gavin moan loudly.
Conon came inside Gavin filling him completely.
Gavin felt weak an tired.
Conon handed Gavin his top and trousers before getting dressed himself.
He walked over to Gavin to see if he was ok.
"Are you ok" Conon asked
"I'm fine thanks" Gavin seemed satisfied.
"I didn't hurt you in anyway" Conon looked at Gavin gabbing his waist pulling him closer.
"No, you'll have to try harder next time." Gavin got closer looking up to the taller male kissing him.

Conon walked out and up the hall towards the bathroom making sure he look fine to at least not get stared at while walking with Gavin.
Gavin did the same but on his phone camera.

Woaaaahhhhhhh how's that for ya yea sinners 😂😂 I'm only realising but I basically made Gavin Pan like me yayy!!!
Word count: 1234
This was a vvv long one so I hope you enjoyed Byeeeeeeee

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