Tease ~Conski~

961 18 12

I have nothing to say...


A frustrated sigh left Connor mouth as he heard Elijah wine out his name from the pool room. He walked over .

"Yes,Mr Kamski ~" Connor said as if reading from a script.
"Nothing I just like saying your name~" smirking with a wink. Connor rolled his eyes, unamused,  and went back to the office to finish cleaning. He was staying with Elijah for a couple weeks while Hank was away on DPD trip or something like that.

He was able to have a few moments of peace before...

"Coooonnnnoorrr~" was echoed though out the house, Connor started the sound of his own name.

"Yes Mr Kamski" Connor sighed as walking over to Kamski , still holding a cloth in hand.

"I'm starving , can you make me something to eat?" Elijah wined , Connor nodded and walked over to the kitchen he was pleased he was actually doing something for once not just deciding that I'll do this , as Elijah never did shit around the house anyway so why not help in out a little ~ you'd think this wealthy man would get the Chloe's to do stuff for him not play in the strangely red pool.

Connor jumped as he felt hands touch his hips and a body press up against his back ,he could easily tell it was Elijah.

"W-what are you doing, Sir?"he asked and gasped when he felt Elijah gently bite his ear.

"nothing ~Just continue,"he purred into the androids ear , sending a shiver down Connors spine. Connor did what he was told and continued  to cook, trying to ignore Elijah's hands trail up and down his body.

"I'm so hungry, I could eat an ass~" Kamski said with a smirk ,his chin now resting on Connor's shoulder.Connors face twisted in confusion.
"Don't you mean 'eat a horse'?" Connor could feel Kamski breath in his neck.

"I know what I said~" Elijah said with a chuckle and wide grin tracing his lips as his hand now rested on Connors ass ,gving it a squeeze, eliciting a breathy gasp from the android

He started to grind harder making Connor moan quietly,
Elijah started to slowly grind on Connor, snaking his hands down to Connors crotch.

Elijah bit and kissed Connors neck ,turning him around to face him he kissed Connor roughly trailing his hands to his hips then snaking a hand to choke him only softly , Connor leaned back letting soft moans escape his lips, he fairly enjoyed this.

"Elij~ahhhh~" Connor leaned into Elijahs touch ,moaning and biting his lip softly.

Kamski enjoyed the sight of Connor panting and moaning his name, perhaps he could ask the Lieutenant to keep the android a little while longer 


I literally have nothing to say...

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