teasing /Simon x Markus \

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Yes they're is a little smutish content bc fuck north she a bitch // again playing and or watching someone else play it would be useful \\ ima start now.

The revaluation was over absolutely a year ago , Markus lost his interest in North and developed a liking in Simon a very close friend of his ; he was sure that Simon liked him back but wasn't fully sure.
Markus p.o.v

Simon always thought I never saw his gazes , but I did all the time and he was shy.
I knew about his feelings, I never wanted to tease anyone but now it in unbearable not to.

~third person - 😛
Markus invited Simon to his home josh accompanied them and already knew about Markus and his game he didn't tell Simon, he knew tonight would be fun for Simon and even more for Markus.
Once they arrived they sat down in the living room Markus sat down asking Josh if he could grab the bowl of snacks that he left on the kitchen counter and winked at Josh , Josh nodded his head leaving Markus and Simon alone .

"I've heard some things about you Simon~"
Simons head turned to Markus a faint but obvious blush appeared on his cheeks .
"Y-ye.a wh-at t-things"
Simon stuttered and sat closer to Markus.
Markus's plan went according to him it was at this point that he could take his advantage; Grabbing Simon by the collar of his jacket and kissing him , Simon went blue almost in a daze he kissed back , Markus saw Josh around the corner and stood up moving slightly away from Simon leaving him in a state his cheeks blue and heated . Simon sat back ;Markus Winked at him with a lustful grin on his face.
Markus knew he could on stopped there but he didn't . He told Josh he could choose the movie , whilst he did that, Markus moved closer to Simon moving his hand onto Simons thigh gripping it to earn Simon biting his lip looking up at him, he got closer to Simon face kissing him sweetly and moving to his jawline biting it and licking it, he moved to his neck biting at that sucking it leaving some light hickeys before Josh chose a movie and turned off the lights.
Markus hadn't finished he held Simons hand kissing it gently;
Simon was flustered and his heart rate increased.
"Markus bit his ear whispering
"I know your enjoying this Simon~." Simon bit his lip and nodded Markus had lust plastered across his face.
Simon got up and went into the hallway. leaning on the wall his hand against his neck.
Leaving Josh and Markus in a giggly state.
"Your too kinky for my liking Markus." Josh whispered ,he looked at him Markus could only chuckle.

Markus went after Simon a couple moments after.
"Simon, you ok." Markus peered around the corner seeing Simon still blushed. Markus walked over to him leaning over him making Simon nervous and out of breath.
"Why did you do that in there?" Simon question him moving his hand to behind Markus's neck.
Markus didn't react to this.
"You wanted it so I made it happen~I love teasing you."
Markus didn't say much more instead kissed Simon sweetly letting his hands move down to Simons waist and across his back
Markus unzipped Simon jacket and threw it on the floor next to them .
Simon wore a simple t-shirt exposing his collar bone Markus moved from his lips to Simons jawline and neck searching for a sweetspot.
Josh walked out from the living room looking at them and then walking back in the room turning to the tv and shook his head then smiled.
Markus found a sweet spot making Simon moan quietly
Simon could feel Markus's hand trailing down his chest unbuttoning the younger males jeans ;Simon didn't stop him , he was to heated to, Markus starting parm Simon though his boxers, he knew this was enough to make Simon Cum but kept going,Simon moan louder than before , josh peered his head from the living Markus turned to his and signaled that he saw nothing, Markus had lifted up Simons shirt leaving heavy blue hickeys on the younger males delicate body .
"M-Marku..s~Stop ,your g-gonna leave me a m-mess~."Simon stuttered biting his lip trying to stop the Moans ~
Markus stopped buttoning up Simons jeans kissing him softly knowing he had teased Simon enough but it was worth for the reaction and outcome of the night. Markus grabbed Simons hand and walked back into the living room
"You guys have fun back there?"
Josh giggled looking at Simons blush get deeper, if it could,
"For a fact Josh we did have a lot more than I intended calm down~" he looked at Josh with a grin across us face is LED going a pinkish purple colour. Putting his hand behind Simon biting his neck
"I love you kitten."Markus whispered into Simons ear and then biting it, "I love you too." Simon whispered back kissing his cheek and then lips.
Josh looked at them
"You two are cute an all but you know I heard everything so get a room~." Josh chuckled
Simon nuzzling his face into Markus's chest feeling embarrassed,Markus patted his head kissing him softly.

How was that for you 💦😏
Word count: 909
I had a lot of fun writing this then reading it back 😏😋

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