\\Kamski x Connor//

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Hi sorry this book has been a bit ignored but I'm alive sadly 😂😂🤪 let's get in with the chapter🖤

Connors POV:

Hank had been away on a stakeout for six weeks and I was bored out of my mind. A little missing his daddy is the worst mind space to be in. All I wanted was my plushie and spankings but with no Hank around I was desperate for some sexual attention even if it was vanilla.

Hearing my phone ring, I checked the caller ID seeing Kamski pop up I began to get excited. See when Hank was away Kamski was my fill in daddy.

Kamski: Hey baby boy, since Hank's away would you like a bit of a cheer up😉😉

Me: Of course I would, the doors open just come right up!!

Later on that day ............

Looking at my bedroom door I saw Kamski looking very sexy in a tight black suit showing me everything I ever needed to know.

Walking over to me he handed me a black dummy and pushed it between my plump limps. Shoving a black bunny in my arms he started stroking my fluffy back hair.

"Baby boy I think you should keep that dummy in your mouth and hold onto your plushy because it's time for playtime for us."

Sticking his hand in his pants, he reached for the erect cock in-between his legs. Slowly, he started stroking the length up and down as I moaned into my dummy.

Releasing my cock Kamski flipped me over so he was straddling me. Subtly, stripping his clothes off Kamski slipped his dick into me. Pounding into me causing my nails to start digging into his arm.

The pain only turning him on further. Kamski roughly began to wrap my legs around him. Pounding into me while my back was sliding up and down the wall. Finally, reaching our ecstasies Kamski and we decided it was time to have a bath. His baby boy needed taking care of ....

This wasn't written by me but instead the lovely christybailey77 go read her kinkerbell book I hear it's magical 😂

Bu bye sinners🖤
Luvii xx

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