Cigrette smoke./Reed900\

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So I like Thai idea a lot and I'm excited to write it , bc one of my favourite ships is the Reed900 ships also I have a Connor x Hank one coming up as well but school and shit doesn't really help ,small little bit of fluff bc I'm too tempted and it would be boring, let's get started. ❤️

Conons P.O.V

Gavin smoked 6-7 cigarettes a day and I worry for his health as the days go on. He doesn't listen to me and normally tells me to fuck off but that's not important.

Gavins P.O.V

The PD can go fuck itself it stresses me out too much and now giving me this hunk of hot metal and plastic won't make it easier , a Pansexual cop working by with a hot piece of metal you'll never hear anything like it. Conon is his 'name' and it's not normal but he seems concerned for me worried more like. Every time I try to smoke he shuts it down saying all types of bullshit to do with my health ,like I give a shit.

Third person (bc I'm lazy )

Gavin walked outside slouching on the brick wall outside the DPD Lighting a cigarette and then puffing our a cloud of toxin smoke .
Conon was inside when he saw a could of grey smoke outside , looking on his thermal camera (cause why not) oddly enough seeing a bad postured figure smoking, Conon walked outside to see Gavin , his stress levels at 76% and very slowly decreasing.
Conon leaned over Gavin a faint pink blush appearing on Gavins nose and cheeks.
"I think I told you that you need to stop smoking." Conons voice soft
He snaked his hand around Gavins waist pulling him closer, grabbing the cigarette lightly.
"Let go you plastic ass," Gavin spoke quietly submissive to Conons voice.
"Gavin , it's not good for you." Conons hand moved to a firm grib pulling it out of Gavins hand and throwing it in the small heap of snow behind them. Gavin didn't react to this , Conons free hand moved to Gavins Jaw moving his finger up and down it.
Gavins blush became deeper and more noticeable, pulling Gavin closer he pressed his lip against Gavins chapped ones.
"Conon" Gavin pulled away walking towards the doors.
Gavin walkked to the break room grabbing hot coffee and sitting at his desk , trying to ignore the fact that he just kissed Conon. Conon walked in straight to the bathrooms.
Gavin was confused so he followed him in Conon was slouched against the wall blushing deeply.
"Yes Gavin" Conon zoned back in paying attention to Gavin who was slowly walking over to him.
"Why are you so concerned about me~" Gavin moved his hand down Conons arm linking his fingers with Conons.
"Gavin I only want you to be"
Conon switched positions pushing Gavin up against the wall.
"Gavin I shouldn't be concerned , I'm pretty sure I've devianted I feel things and I feel a need for you"
Gavin looked at Conon with surprise not that he was a deviant but the fact that he loved him no-one has ever liked him like that.
"Con-," Conon interrupted Gavin kissing my force fully Gavin kissed back snaking his hands around Conons neck . Conon moved his hand to Gavins hips deepening the kissed pulling him closer.

Gavins radio went off 'Gavin theres another Android case hurry up and get to the crime scene'

I write too much Gavin x Conon/RK900😂Comment in ships you'd like to see / read I need more content 😂😂

Word count : 603 this is sooo shorttttttttt


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