//After midnight\\ Simarkus

695 13 9

Okkk so welcome I've been getting high a lot and sleeping so I'm sorry that up dates have been slow. AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS TYYY 🤗 They both live in an apartment complex okie just to sort any confusion xx

Simon looked at his alarm clock 3am on a Saturday, Markus would probably be asleep knowing him , but Simon was Horny and the feeling would kill him if he didn't company of that gorgeous fucker soon.

.Simon called him.

"Markus?" Simon spoke into the phone .

There was silence for a moment.


Simon didn't recognise the voice speaking through the phone at him. Markus's morning voice was low and husky.

"Did I wake you?"


God even that was hot to Simon.

"Everything alright Si?"

"Oh um yeah I guess, I just need some company."

"You can come round mine ,Josh has been gone all night probably with North."

Simon was going crazy hearing Markus's voice ,he felt around for the pillow which was behind him. He shouldn't but... it could distract him from this dirty feeling.without much thought he put the pillow between his legs ,rolling his hips into it.

"Do you want breakfast here , I can try and cook bacon but I might burn it." Markus said thought the phone.

"Y-Yeah that'd be nice."

Simon was biting his lip trying not to moan into the speaker.

"Si , I can here noises in the background,is your dog having a stoke or somet?"


"Oh um that's nothing I think it's j-just the pipes."

"...are you masturbating Si?"

Simon almost came right there and then. Markus's tone had changed to one a lot more sexual.

"N-no of course not."

"You like listening to my voice?" Markus teased


There was no point hiding it now.

"What do you want to do when you hear it?what are you doing right now?"

"H—p—g -y ——-l-w"


"Humping my pillow."

"I want you to get your ass down here right now ,don't even think about touching yourself until I say."

"Y-yes Markus."

Simon walked uncomfortably down to Markus's apartment knocking in the door , to reveal a topless Markus dragging him in the apartment and pulling Si into a passion filled kiss. They both made their way to the bedroom.

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