Kichen Counter ~ Simarkus

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Hi so I'm alive - sorry for not updating in a while - but this idea just sprung 😏 up and ya know ima write it before it disappears, hope you enjoy.

Markus worked as a secondary school science  teacher ,biology being his strong point; where as Simon stayed at home cleaning, cooking and whatever else; like a stay at home husband it was only the two of them anyway.

Markus came home on a Friday night in a particular mood from work ,so Simon being the amazing husband he is made two cups of tea and turned on the T.V.
"Sup baby~" Simon asked sipping on his tea looking at his lover , who's closely paying attention to the football(or soccer whatever) .
Markus turned his head to look at Simon, and then looked down at his lap; grabbing hold of his mug.
"Oh you know , how would you feel after 7 hours of sitting in a class room with a bunch on Horny Year 11 GCSE students." He replied

"Babe you shouldn't say that about your student~." Simon said giving out a little giggle
" idk hot and sweaty cooped up in that classroom all day."

Simon giggles walking off into the kitchen to wash up the cups , Markus followed a couple moments after placing him self behind Simon hand around his hips.
"You work too much hun." Markus said softly
"None else will do though , it's got to be done."
Simon turned off the tap turning to face the taller male.
Markus started kissing Simon passionately lifting him into the counter next to them. Simon started to unbutton Markus's shirt exposing his perfectly toned chest ; and sharp V-line. Markus moves to Simons neck leaving dark purple hickys making Simons blush deeper if possible. Simon let's small moans leave his mouth, Markus pulled off Simons t-shirt feeling lust rush through his veins.

Simon moved off the counter kissing down Markus chest leaving soft hicky trail to his v-line. Simon palmed Markus throughly the fabric of his trousers seeing a tent form in them.
I love how my brain can stop working for a good few minutes.

Simon unzipped the trousers and pulled away the boxers to see the large erection in Markus's pants , Simon put his mouth on the tip soon enough bobbing his head up and down increasing in pace quickly, Markus leaned back in the counter tilting is head back in full pleasure "fuck" Markus moan quietly,
Simon stood back up taking off his shorts and boxers and pulling Markus to the couch and pushing him down on it.

Straddling Markus lining himself up, Simon started to bounce up and down placing his hands on Markus's pecks, Simon by now was just a moaning mess knowing for a fact that Markus wasn't gonna last much longer and neither was he .

Markus let out loud groans putting his hand a in Simons hips it bounce him more bucking his hips to make him go deeper.
"Markus I'm gonna cu-." Simon came over both of their stomachs.
"I'm close kitten" Markus soon moaned after, not long he filled Simons ass with cum letting a loud groan escape his mouth.
"I'll be in the shower" Simon said tiredly.


Soooooo hows that.
I'm sorry I didn't update in so long but I hope this makes up for it.❤️❤️
Vote and comments, Give me some ideas.

Word count : 571

By-bye my little sinners 🖤😈

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