Frustation Gavin x Conon (RK900)

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<<So this ship is cool but it isn't one of my favourites but I'll do a chapter on it anyway >>

Gavin and Conon have been partner at the DPD for a while at least 4 months anyway.
Conon was a up graded version in Connor so they considered them selves as bothers for the mean time as they always got on each other's nerves and argued quite a bit.
Gavin wasn't happy with his 'tin can' but he brought him coffee every morning so he didn't mind as much he still wasn't so fond of Connor but his 'brother' was just about bearable.
"Morning Gavin~."
Conon sat opposite me at his desk placing a coffee down on my desk before hand .
"Morning tin-can" I said In response "and thanks for the coffee."
Conon smiled
"Your welcome Gavin." Conon hummed and looked at me ; I felt my face heat up I went to the bathroom to see I was blushing not so obvious but I know Conon would notice like always. He tried thinking of something else and walked back to his desk . Turns out he had no cases today and him and Conon were allowed to leave early if we wanted.
Conon looked up and walked over to me ; he smiled and sat sat down on the table I was working on.
"Gavin we have no cases today ,we can leave if you like~." Conon looked at me innocently.
"I suppose, come on goof let's go."
I felt heated walking next to Conon I don't know what's going on with me to be honest.
"Gavin you face is red and your heart rate has increased,are you ok?" Conon asked with concern in his voice. His LED flashing a red and turning back yellow.
"In fine Conon ,leave me alone." We walked out the building I had an urge to kiss Conon right their.
"Gavin,don't lie to me."
Conon stopped and looked at me.
"I'm not now come on I'll take a sort cut."
I pointed towards an alleyway Conon walked and I followed

Conon knew I was lying he had that look ,frustrated annoyed more than less.
Conon stopped again.
"Why do you always lie to me you know I can tell when you are , stop it it's so annoying I'm worried can't you see that, for god sake Gavin!"
Gavin looked at Conon surprised that he just scolded him. Conon walked up to Gavin grabbing his wrists and pushing me against a wall , I was pinned down and I could feel my blush deepen
"Just tell me the truth Gavin"
Conon put himself in dominance looking at Gavin frustrated ,annoyance covering his face.
I looked back at him feeling lust
take over me I bit my lip and moved closer to my face , I could just about make out a faint blue blush across Conons nose and cheeks , my lips were an inch away from his I moved closer; Conon look at me I felt his hand move to my waist he pulled me closer pressing his lips on mine I moved my free hand to his neck , roughening the kiss , Conon pulled away from the kiss blushing deeply and carried on walking leaving me a mess.

<<I enjoyed writing this tbh>> 😂😉
Word count : 549

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