Proving a point /Kamski x Connor\

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<< I like this ship as well so I'm not gonna do a para on this one >> enjoy😏💦 / btw no smut \\

Kamski's p.o.v

Connor had to be one of my favourite models the RK800 was one of the only ones a deviant hunter as they call him he worked with Hank on the DPD as his partner .
I would regularly invite Connor over he would talk about how was feeling sadness and thought of reprogrammed to fix it I just told your getting human feeling you must be a deviant himself he denied my claims but I could definitely show how I know I was right. 😉

Connors p.o.v

Kamski was always fond of me always inviting me round to talk I never really cared but recently I've been have done malfunctions with my system feeling a longing for attention <<that was all in bold oh well>>

~ Third person ~
Connor walked up to kamskis house and knocked on the door ,
He then was greeted by Chloe , one of Kamskis androids , Kamski ushered her into the other room where she could not be seen , they both walked into the pool room ; Connor sat down and do did Kamski
'Connor , thanks for coming, I would like to speak about this 'malfunction' in you system and prove that you are a deviant -which you denie~' Kamski mentions
"There is a malfunction in my system I'm no deviant I find them , im a machine I'm not as said alive , I would like you to prove it to me if that's possible Kamski~" Connor has a confused yet innocent face with a faint blue blush in his cheeks.
"Ok Connor ." Kamski gets up pulling Connor from his tie to another room a deep red in colour and low lighting. Kamski turns around , Connors blush deepened,
"Connor , your blushing ~"
Kamski mentions with a lustful smirk on his face.
"Humans blush"
He adds
Kamski pulls Connor over to the couch a black with deep red pillows.Kamski pulls Connor into a kiss rough and lustful, Connor pulled away after a moment.
"I am~" Connor gets shy looking at the carpeted floor below the couch ,Grabbing his cheeks .
"No need to be shy , I'm just making a point , your a deviant~"
Kamski pulls Connor by us tie moving his hand to his hips and across his back.
"You are a deviant aren't you Kitten."
Connor looks at Kamski moving his hands up his chest and around his neck .
"I guess you decided that then" Connor smiles
And pulls Kamski close his face a less than 3 inches away from Kamski's.
Kamski made the move pressing his lips on Connors , making Connor blush more , Kamski pulls away hold Connors chin
"Fascinating, isn't it~"
Connors smiled and let go of Kamski.
"I guess it is ~"
Connor walks out the room and rests on the wall
Kamski follows ,
Grabbing Connors wrist pulling him toward him .
Connor looks at him with lust filled eyes ; Kamski looks back .
"Why'd you walk out?" Kamski asked ; a worried look.
Connors LED went yellow then turned a faded red and then a dark blue.
"I...I d-don't know~"
Connor stuttered his eyes watered up he kissed Kamski ,He shook off his hand and walked out of the house; wiping away tears , getting in the car and went home to hank.
Kamski punched the wall in anger after he had heard the door shut gently and walked back into his bedroom.
"For fuck sake, how do I always mess shit up, why Connor ~"
Kamski fell to his knees tearing up
"All this over a fucking android my own fucking creation~"
Kamski sobbed .
Connor Got home rushing into his room past Hank ;his hands covering his tear soaked face ,
Hank walked after him telling Sumo to stay on the couch.
"Connor?" Hank knocked on the door waiting for a response.
"Go away Hank not now pl-ease~"
Connor sobbed ,Hank didn't want to anger or upset Connor more so he walked away going back to his room.
Connor walked out Hank looked him his cheeks tear stained and a deep blue, he rushed out to Connor, hugging him , Connor hugged back , he needed that hug
"Thanks Hank."
~~ Hows that ~~ 😋💦
<< word count 702😋 >>

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