Busted-Chapter One

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Well hello... Erm... Well this is my very first story on Wattpad. I was just reading and reading stories, and I kinda wanted to write too... So here I am. English isn't my mother tongue so if there are any mistakes you spot, don't hesitate to tell me. I really hope people who decide to read this like it and if you do:



And I'm also not really sure about the title so if someone has an idea I'd love to read it :D Oh and before I forget, if someone can make me a cover I'd be really gratefull. Well I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here's the first chapter!! Enjoy!!

Love, EpicOreo




Chapter One



That was me falling out of bed when my phone started to ring at 6:00am. As you can see, I’m a pretty clumsy person.

 Time to get up, I thought as I pressed Snooze on my phone. I walked into my bathroom and stepped into the shower. I turned the hot water on and closed my eyes letting my tensed muscles relax under the heat.

---Fifteen minutes later---

''Sarah, can I use your shower?'' Jessica, my little sister asked as she stepped into my bathroom.

''May I remind you that you have your own bathroom?'' I told her, chuckling softly.

''I know, but... I just like your shower better!'' She answered me.

''Sure,'' I replied as I turned the water off. ''Just hand me my towel please.'' She handed me the towel.

''Thanks.'' I said stepping out of the shower. She poked her tongue out at me and stepped into the shower.

''So... How are things going with Gabriel?'' I asked her.

''Awesome,'' She simply responded ''He's really sweet.'' I heard her giggle as she turned the water on.

Gabriel was her boyfriend. He was also the little brother of my long time crush Noah. Gabriel and Jessica were both 14 years old. But they were still very mature for their age. They had been going out for 6 months then. I was so proud of her. Though, I was kind of disappointed in myself. I mean I was sixteen, turning seventeen in just a few months and I had no experience with boys whatsoever.  

Do you know a lot of sixteen years old who had never kissed a boy or had a boyfriend?

Exactly, point proven.

''You know, if you don't try you'll never know if it could have worked out.'' She remarked, peeking out through the shower curtain.

''What are you talking about?'' I asked her, feeling confused.

''Well, my dear sister, I’m talking about Noah. Of course.'' She answered with a laugh.

''Oh, yea...'' I sighed.

''What do you mean 'oh yea' I can talk to him if you want, I'm going to Gabriel's house tonight and-''

''NO!'' I screamed. ''Don't do anything please. I can handle it myself.'' I continued with a frown.

Busted, Just another teenage love storyWhere stories live. Discover now