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I got off the plane and went to go find everyone. I was stopped by my phone going off signaling something was going on in Twitter I looked and saw luke with a girl leaving his hotel room this morning. "FUCK" I yelled I was already out of the airport waiting for a taxi that I don't need anymore. Luke doesn't care and I dont know why I even got off that plane. I sat down on the curb and put my hands in my head, this sucks ass. I sighed loudly and then heard a man talk next to me " everything okay?" I looked up at a man who looked like a surfer long blonde curly hair sun tanned wearing vans, shorts and a muscle tank with his backpack and long board sitting next to him. He had a cigarette in his hand and some ray bands resting on his head. " huh! I just made a horrible mistake" I laughed with my hands head still resting in my hands. " what happened?" he asked, this guy doesnt even know me why the hell would he b asking me what happened? hes probably just being nice and im being a total bitch. " I got off a plane to go find this guy im kind of head over heels for but he doesn't feel the same way" the guy looked at me sympathetically " aww man thay sucks. who is this guy! hes obviously making a huge mistake passing up a beautiful girl like you!" he said " what's your name?" I smiled at him " tate, whats yours?" he asked " im Riley" he smiled at me and dramatically got up and bent down. he reached for my hand " well Riley its a pleasure meeting you! now can I buy you some lunch and then get you on the next plane away from your problems?" he asked. I dont know who tate was but he was sure one of the.l nicest people I have meet in a while " id like that" I got up and we started walking back into the airport.

Two hours later

"so your telling me the next flight doesnt leave tell midnight!" I said loudly at the lady helping me " im sorry but yes" I sighed and gave her my credit card.

I walked over to a chair and sat down next to Tate and put my hands in my head again " ughhh lifes a tangled web right now" I stressfully laughed "lifes a tangled web, lifes a tangled web" I whispered and remembered that song. I shot up " I have to go to the bathroom!" I said loudly and got up and left before tate could say anything. I walked to the bathroom with all my luggage and walked into the disabled stall and sat down and grabbed my note book out of my bag and scribbled down life's a tangles web I sat their and pondered about what I was going to write next and then it came to me.

two hours later of sitting in the bathroom stall crying every now and then when certain parts came up and the memories came flooding into my mind of the feeling of waking up next to Luke, our naked bodies so close, and that little snore he had that I loved.

I had all the lyrics written down. I titled it disconnected. I wanted to give it to luke as soon as possible, I had three hours to get it to him and as emotional as I'm going to be giving it to him, everything I felt for him im still going to do it.

I got up and made my way out of the airport. I called for a taxi and one came right up and I hopped in telling him to go to the sheraton hotel.

I got there in ten minutes and I ran up to Lukes room, I knocked on the door quietly and the door flung open, Michael was standing there "Riley! what are you doing here? I thought you were in Florida by now!"

"I had to do something before I left, is luke here?" I quietly questioned "yes do you want me to get him" I sat there and thought for a moment and then I felt the tears in the corners of my eyes, and then I hears lukes voice " mikey? whose at the door?" luke was coming towards the door. I gave Michael a panic look and threw the notebook at michael " Give this to him, it the first page that says disconnected on it" I turned around and left.


"who was that?" I questioned as I walked up next to Michael as he looked dumb founded at a notebook that had Riley's name printed on the top " Michael whats that!?" I asked " riley wanted me to give this to you" he said quietly " I think she wrote the rest of the song" he said as he was looking at the page. I grabbed the notebook out of his hand and read it.


Luke, I know you dont feel the same way but I finished the song for you. I put my heart and soul into it. I love you and I always will

-Riley xoxo

life's a tangled web of cell phone calls and hashtag I dont knows

your so caught up in all the blinking lights and dial tones.

I admit I've been a victim of the worldwide system too, but I found my sweet escape when im alone with you

Turn down the static sound of the city that never sleeps, here in the moment on the darks side of the screen.

I like the summer rain

I like the sounds you make

we put the world away

we get so disconnected.

You are my getaway

you are my favorite place

we put the world away

yeah we're so disconnected

we're so disconnected

Hands around my waist

climbing up the hills across the sheets

and im a falling star

and I never thought that we could lighten up these scattered sheets

I'll admit I've been a fool playing by the rules

but I found my sweet escape when im alone with you.

Turn down the static sound of the city that never sleeps, here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

I like the summer rain

I like the sounds you make

we pit the world away

we get so disconnected.

Your are my getaway

you are my favorite place

we put the world away

we get so disconnected.

Luke's POV

the song is amazing, everything she said was true. I can't believe I said I don't feel the same way, im such a fuck up sometimes. I screwed up everything.

But Riley doesn't deserve someone like me,she deserves someone who will care for her and love her and never be crappy to her and wont sleep with girls when they are sleeping with her. but I cant stand the thought of her having sex with someone else, or kissing someone else the same way she kissed me. god im going to miss the way she tasted and im going to miss the way it felt to fall asleep next to her. these memories Im never going to be able to escape. im not fine at all.

(a/n) soooooo.... What do you think is going to happen next!!!!???? comment please!! lol!!  I didn't want this chapter to be cheesy and have her fall back into Luke's beautiful sexy arms just yet that would be way to cliche! hahaha but thanks for reading I promise I  update asap love you all

-M xoxo

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