Leila's Gun

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So, when Ana went to get the scissors to cut Christians hair in the movie FSFreed, she found a gun in his desk.   Leila's gun, the one she pointed at Ana and actually SHOT at her with in Fifty Shades Darker.  I think Ana asked Christian a fair and much needed question about what she found.   Remember his answer?  Remember his  promise?   The burned dinner attempt by Christian and subsequent information of where his mother was buried has not happened yet. Ana has come home from the hospital and has not completely healed yet from the assault.

The Rest of the Story-     

It had been a total of three weeks since Ana arrived back home to Escala.  Christian's refusal to leave her side during the five day hospital stay extended to her return home for another ten days.  He found her to be quiet almost subdued most of the time since she arrived home.  He made it a personal goal each day to get her to smile and tried to get that done in a variety of ways.  Flowers were delivered the first two days until she told him that between his floral shows of affection and the flowers brought home from the hospital, the penthouse smelled like a "funeral home".   Even Taylor's security office was adorned in floral arrangements- to his chagrin. 

The next three days Christian gave Ana jewelry-beautiful custom made pieces that surely totaled in the tens of thousands of dollars.  Ana stared at the matching necklace and earrings on the fifth day at home and eyed Christian suspiciously, telling him after much prodding that it seemed as though he was trying to buy her affection from some sort of guilty feeling.   She did not label where the guilt could be emanating from but she secretly wondered if he regretted his visit with Elena much more than he was able to express verbally to her.   The sixth day home brought a visit from an owner of a boutique baby furniture and decoration store.  Ana thoughts were now drawn to his desire to apologize for the harsh reaction to her news of the unplanned pregnancy.  Christian swore that he did not arrange the visit, and that Elliot thought this was a peace offering from Gia Matteo who was wanting to meet with them concerning placement of bedrooms at the new house on the waterfront.  Ana firmly told Christian that her morning sickness was so bad that morning that she could not meet with anyone.  She would defy anyone who thought she could or would accept anything from Gia Matteo.

At Ana's insistence Christian returned to work ten days into her recovery, five days into her return home, allowing her to sort and attempt to analyze the events since the phone call into her office from Jack Hyde.  Time seemed to slow to a crawl since that phone call and played out like a horror film.  The following eleven days found Ana trying to rationalize the outcome of that fateful day by trying everything from sleep to writing out lists of pros and cons.  She wanted to return to work, but was unsure of and just plain disliked the thought of having to deal with a continued security detail that her husband insisted upon.  Sawyer resigned his position with GEH a week after she returned home.  Part of Ana's daily argument in her head was in part trying to understand why Sawyer avoided her and left without explanation, although she thought she really already knew the answer to that.

Christian actively tried to apply some of the suggestions given to him upon two brief visits to Dr. Flynn once he went back to work.  He introduced an immediate routine of keeping his time away from Ana to eight hours or less, checking her mending wounds each evening and insisting they eat breakfast and dinner with each other every day.   

Ana found she engaged in daily assessments in her head from her husbands need for continued control to the lack of his attempt to arouse or satisfy any sexual desire for either of them since her injuries.  He disarmed her best thought out conversation starters concerning sex each evening with gentle cuddling or attentiveness to her cuts and bruises.  The only attempt at satisfying the growing need between them resulted in pain so intense in Ana's separated ribs that Christian sat up all night in a chair next to their bed telling her repeatedly that he was sorry and he knew it was too soon.

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