Football, Wings, Beer and Milk

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Of course Grey Enterprise Holdings owns a suite at the Seattle Seahawks Stadium, and of course the Grey men love to attend the football games.  It was referenced in at least one of the Fifty Shades movies that they certainly followed the Mariners baseball team.   Carrick Grey certainly would have taken his boys to many sporting events and most likely would have had access to a suite himself through his law firm.   How sweet is Suite life with all of the Grey spouses in attendance?  Let's find out!

Teddy is five months old and attending his first sporting event.  Elliot and Kate are married.  And yes........the Seahawks really did play the Patriots on October 14th, 2012.   I have the players' names right, and their stats but the weather that day and outcome of the game is all in our own little "Fifty out of Fifty World".    

Story #4   Football, wings, beer and......milk.
1:45PM, Sunday, October 14, 2012, CenturyLink Stadium, Seattle

"There's my sweet baby boy!!"  Grace exclaims as Christian and Anastasia enters the "Grey" suite carrying the portable high-end top of the line car seat containing his sleeping son.  Ana steps in slightly behind her husband and holding onto his free hand with her left hand and carrying what appears to be several baby blankets and a diaper bag in the other. A shoulder bag crowded her arm carrying the diaper bag.  Both of their faces are sporting pink cheeks from the brisk wind and the long haul from the parking lot up to the suite.

"Really Mom, I'm almost 30."  Christian dead pans as he sets the carrier down and steps aside to allow Ana to unzip the infant seat cover to free her son.

"She's talking about the kid, moron."  Elliot says as he walks past Christian and tries to ruffle his hair.  Christian bats his arm away and smirks at him.

"Speaking of sweet's my girl?"  Ray Steele quickly kisses Ana's cheek as he takes the diaper bag from her.  "Still talking to your old man after that extraordinary loss at the poker table last night?"  He grins referring to his evening spent with her and Christian at their home last night.  Ray, Elliot, Kate, Christian and Ana played cards til after midnight, enjoying homemade dip creations by Gail and several bottles of adult beverages.   The late night left Christian and Ana lagging behind in getting up and situating Teddy for his day out at the ball stadium.   Ray left early with Carrick and Grace who had arranged a tour of the CenturyLink Stadium prior to kickoff of the game.

Ana giggled slightly as she arranged her son's navy blue Seahawk Henley shirt and matching plaid pants.  Teddy sighs and does not wake at all the fussing.  "You know those were just plastic poker chips, right Dad?"

"Lucky for you honey, cause if they were real Christian would have had to sell a company off this morning to pay off the chip count."  Ray grinned at her.

"Shhhhhhit, were taking your Dad with us to Vegas.  Lucky bastard."  Elliot laughs and Kate gives him a sideways smile from one of the easy chairs next to the couch where Ana is working with the infant seat.

The suite is warm and decorated with sporting memorabilia on the walls and framed pictures of Elliot and Christian's business sponsored ball teams and their accomplishments.   Elliot appears in some of the championship trophy presentation photos for teams wearing 'Grey Construction' across their baseball jerseys.   While there are several hockey, football and baseball teams with 'Grey Enterprises' on their uniforms, Christian does not appear in any of the photos.

A line of eight polished serving dishes complete with covered lids, spoons and tongs with spoon rests represent an impressive buffet serving the most sophisticated pallets.  The small buffet line takes up an entire wall of the suite, bowls of various chips and nuts and several platters of assorted dessert treats finishes the line next to a small table with plates, napkins and silverware.   If the food line up for the game was any kind of a hint, the refrigerator was surely full of a plethora of adult beverages. Carrick appears to finish placing an assortment of mouth watering appetizers on two plates and carries them to the front of the suite that faces the field at the 40 yard line, but is closed in by floor to ceiling glass.  There is a breakfast bar of sorts built along the glass and several bar stools so that one could eat and watch the game from the comfort of the warm suite.  A glass door leads out to two small rows of navy blue stadium seats, each sporting cup holders.    

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