Loose Cannon

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So I was thinking...why would Sawyer bother staying employed by the Greys for personal security after the end of the third movie, FSF?  If Ana and or Mia would have been killed during the delivery of the ransom money, Sawyer's career in corporate protection would have been ruined. 

This story takes place about three weeks after Ana comes home from the hospital-after she shoots Hyde and Mia is found.  The Greys are still living at Escala, the Great House (my name for the house on the Puget Sound) is under renovation.  Ana is healing from her wounds and she still has not gone back to work.  Christian is positive that he won't talk Ana out of quitting her job at SIP, and he realizes he needs to get her personal security back in place.  Sawyer tendered his resignation with the Greys the day that Ana was brought home from the hospital.

After consulting with Jason Taylor, Christian is convinced that Sawyer deserves to keep his job and is the best suited for providing security.  We start this story with the meeting that Christian requested to have with Taylor and Sawyer in his office in Escala. 

If you have read my stories- and wonder where this falls, it would have happened before "Lelia's Gun".



Inside of Christians office at Escala 4:00PM

Taylor sit in an office chair opposite of his boss who is seated at his desk.  Both are wearing suits, minus the suit jackets which hang from the back of their chairs.  Christian's mannerisms and actions are serious and all business, despite being at home.  He requested the meeting in his home office to see if Luke Sawyer would feel more relaxed, and not feel he was in a job interview.  Christian taps his fingers of one hand on his desk and shakes his head.

"What is it sir?"   Taylor asks him.

"I'm wanting to present a non stressful atmosphere for this meeting.  I thought by holding it here at Escala Sawyer would not feel like he is interviewing for a job again.  It stills feels......

"Awkward? Sir."

Christian looks up at Taylor, who appears more at ease than him.  He knows that Sawyer and Taylor are friends, having met in the Army, just prior to Taylor exiting the service and entering the private sector to work.  It was part of the reason that Taylor recommended Sawyer for the job of lead on Ana's personal security team.  His qualifications and experience overseas were unmatched.

"Yes.  He's not interviewing for anything, I am asking him to come back to work for me."  Christian sits back in his chair.  "What does he want Taylor?  More money? A new car for an added bonus?" 

"Sir, I am not sure we will get him back.  He was...". Taylor hesitates to see if he should speak freely, and seeing his boss stare back at him interested he knew he should.  "He was pissed about how the whole kidnapping thing went down, and he doesn't drive a car.  Drives a truck-GMC I think."

Christian furrows his eyebrows in thought.  If this Sawyer is as good as Taylor says he is, he wants to keep him working in his family protection.  "Okay, he can have the top of the line truck that GMC makes...what is that?  A Denali?  It will have every upgrade they offer, and he will have a new one each January."

Taylor sighs and shakes his head.  "I don't know sir, I don't think he will take the offer.  He probably wouldn't take that from you even if he would agree to come back to work for you.  Not his style."

"What IS his style Taylor?"

Taylor thinks for a moment before answering.  "Guidelines."


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