I Want to Kiss the Baby

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It's Wednesday, November 3rd, 2016.  Teddy is about 4 ½ years old, his sister Phoebe is 2yrs and about two months old (In my Fifty Out of Fifty world of stories she was born on September 25th, 2014.  I stay true to the books as they were written for dates contained within them.  So, we know Teddy was born in May of 2012)

Ana has traveled to New York for meeting with a subsidiary publishing company that SIP has partnered with.  Ana is to travel home tomorrow.  She and Christian have made it a habit to talk via computer or phone each evening before bed when they are traveling. 

My goal was to get this posted by Valentine's Day for you all !!  Just a little hug for you from me. (And Christian and Ana)
Let's listen in shall we?

I Wanna Kiss the Baby

The Great House on the Sound, 7:15pm. Pacific Standard Time. 10:15pm in New York

Ana takes her earrings out as she sits down at the desk in the office of the New York apartment in Manhattan.  She has pulled her hair back into a ponytail and is enjoying the comfort of her Oregon State University sweatshirt and soft pink pajama pants.  She gently rubs her hand over her swollen belly that houses the newest edition to her family.   The tiny baby boy she carries is not due until February.

She turns her laptop on the desk and continues to gently rub slow circles on her belly, smiling as she waits for the screen to come to life.  The meetings went well, and the wrap up dinner at the restaurant was a perfect way to celebrate the signing of the newest author- Jon Michael Traynor.  His spy thriller and #1 best seller first book was signed to a series.  The next five would be published with Grey Publishing out of New York and Anastasia was ecstatic about the signing.  She loved the period piece written in the 1800s in New York and seldom did she find a book so fun in the twists and turns. 

She bid Hannah good night as she left the restaurant and returned back to the apartment at 9:00pm.  Hannah had stayed to enjoy a glass of wine with friends that she had gone to college with there in New York.  They shared a 'high-five' as Ana left with Sawyer.  He was to return to join Hannah for drinks after taking Ana uptown to the apartment.  His 'on again-off again' relationship with Hannah was apparently back 'on' again.


Christian hears the familiar sound of his Skype alert on his laptop.  He looks at his watch as he sets his wine glass down on the counter of the breakfast bar next to his laptop.  He has not changed out of his white dress shirt, but has taken his tie off and rolled his sleeves up.  His arrival home from work brought shrieks of delight from Teddy and Phoebe as he entered the great room and took his jacket off.  He gathered Phoebe in his arms for her now habit of helping Daddy out of his tie, and listened to Teddy talk about a new toy that he saw on TV.  

Dinner was a family affair as Christian and Ana had insisted that they eat with their children each night at the table located in the breakfast nook area of the huge kitchen of the Great House.   The formal dining room was not used until the weekends and for holidays and special occasions.  Christian especially came to enjoy the small wooden table tucked back in the nook where it felt like there was no one else but he and his wife and children in the world.  The high chair had stayed in the same place from Teddy's use to now Phoebe, and was to stay in place for the next birth of their third child due in 3 ½ months. 

After dinner, Christian played with Teddy and Phoebe in the great room and took great care and attention to the newest furniture move that he aided his daughter with in her huge doll house that occupied a large corner next to the stone fireplace.

"Get the toys picked up Teddy!  Phoebe, help your brother!"   Christian calls out as he rounds a corner and steps into the kitchen area.  He tilts the screen up just a little more and smiles as he sees his wife smiling back at him.

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