I want to ask you a question...

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Sometimes Ana just has to ask Christian something...and she is not one to wait for an answer.  Text messages are a favorite form of this couple's communications.

Story 3 -  I have a question for you...
Christian and Ana POV

Ana: [ So, I am kinda really wanting to ask you something Mr Grey.]  She sits at her desk in SIP grinning.

Christian:  [Going to have to make it quick Babe, meeting in about 3min] He arranges three documents in order and stands up from his desk, buttoning his suit jacket.  Smiling at how happy it makes him to see a text from his wife.
Christian:  [You still there?  Walking to Conference room now- what is it?]

Ana: [Well, ummmmmmmmmm]  She bites her lower lip.  She still isn't comfortable to chat about certain things on the instant messenger on the phone....something about his telling her that all of their phones were monitored by the ever sneaky GEH security team.

Christian: [ummmmmm what Mrs. Grey? sitting down in conf room] Must involve Kate and an obscene amount of shopping they want to do.

Ana: [Did you like what I did this morning?]   God, there she thought, I said it.

Christian:  [????]   Oh. God.   She is asking about her method of waking me up this morning.  It was spectacular, fucking amazing.  I didn't know I could moan that loud.

Ana:  [What do you mean ???, ]  Slight frown appearing

Christain: [Baby, meeting starting now, gotta run.]  If I relive this with her in a text conversation I will get a hard on that will lift my end of the table.

Ana:  [You can hold two conversations at once, I've seen it]  He's not going to dodge my question.

Christian: [IMPORTANT meeting, Baby will call you later]   God.  She picks now of all time to want to sex chat?  I need to be A-#1 asshole to these five guys sitting in here.  I want to steal their company not buy it.

Ana: [ Did I do everything you wanted?]  I read in Vanity Fair that men enjoy it when we ask them if we are doing things right in bed.

Christian: [getting ready to buy a company Babe, later ok?]   Christ, I love talking dirty with her, but now?  Andrea sets two carafes of coffee on the meeting table.  Fuck, what is this? A Folger's commercial?

Ana: [You didn't say anything, you just.....moaned a lot, usually you talk to me]   She smiles at her screen on her phone. Remembering just how much noise he made as she sucked on his cock like a starving woman.

Christian: [Baby, come on, in a meeting.]  God, is that a bulge in my suit pants?  Christ, it is.

Ana:  [now that you mention it, cum was involved...]   I would have gotten an "A" in speed typing on digital media, if they had that class at Oregon University.

Christian: [in. a. meeting.]    I love it when she is bold in the mornings, and even more so when she texts me about it later.  God, I loved our emails when we first met. And I love that she loves texting me.

Ana:  [Did you like that?  Was it long enough for you?]   Was it long enough?!  What the hell does that mean?

Christian:  [In the middle of a business deal, stop.]   I lasted all of 10 minutes..........oh who the fuck am I kidding, she sucked me dry in less than 4.

Ana: ['Business' never stopped you before, why don't you want to talk to me?]   How long does it take to type a couple of complementary words, geeze.

Christian: [ Gotta make money for my Baby!!]    Jesus, that doesn't even sound like something I would say.

Ana: [You honestly don't need ANOTHER company.]   He will talk to me about my oral expertise or else!

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