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I don't think Christian Grey would ever be rid of his controlling tendencies completely.  Perhaps over years and years of being married to Ana his need for control would be greatly diminished.  The Christian that we have after the movie Freed is greatly advanced emotionally, but not rid of his "old ways".  The time frame for relationship development of this couple was extremely short.  In a fast few months we see them engaged and married.  The ensuing problems had to be many as they try to see what "normal married life" would look like for them.   In this story Ana has healed enough to go back to work at SIP.  It has been several months since the kidnapping incident.    She sets about organizing her life and making a few controlling decisions of her own.

(If you despise a certain banker named 'Whelen' like I do, then this story is for you!)

THE REST OF THE STORY -    #2   Sign here

The reflection of the First National Bank of Seattle played across the window of the Audi suv that Anastasia Grey peered out of.   The front of the bank brought back an immediate queasy feeling to Ana's stomach.  Her parched mouth formed a frown that matched the lines around her eyes.  She did not like the memories that filled her mind.
"Mrs. Grey?"  Luke's voice shook her back to the present.  "We can come back later this week if you want?"  He saw the obvious in trepidation on her face.

"Don't be silly Luke, we are here and I just need to get some cash for the weekend."  Ana smoothed her dark green skirt down with nervous hands.  Kate's shopping war was in full swing now as Ana's abdomen showed the telltale signs that a child was on the way.  Ana knew that a "look and see" attitude for  baby items would morph into a trip to see what was on sale at Neiman Marcus and other high end boutiques for women. "I'll be back in a moment."

Ana entered the bank and walked to a customer stand near the teller windows to fill out a checking withdrawal form.   She studied the withdrawal slip and clicked the pen open and closed several times as she tried to concentrate on an amount that she wanted to withdrawal.  Her mind wouldn't settle on numbers, but instead flashed a picture of a scared young woman carrying a large leather bag and a scared look that held the weight of the world in her eyes.  Ana blinked hard putting the pen to the first line on the withdrawal slip and before she realized it she filled in a number '5' in the box.

She looked up and closed her eyes, opening them and feeling transported back in time.  The distinct emotion of dread seeping back into the pit of her stomach.  She saw herself standing in jeans and a blue and white striped shirt, a gray hoodie completing the outfit.   She swore she could feel the snub nose .32 handgun in the small of her back again.   Shit, I don't want to remember that day.  Ana thought to herself.

She looked back down at the slip of paper, vaguely hearing a woman say hello across from her.  Another customer of the bank, the woman was middle aged, and dressed as though she came from some kind of an affluent background.  She smiled at Ana who looked up, and looked deep in thought.

"Hello." Ana replied back out of habit.

"Can I help you with that bank slip, they can be confusing dear."  The woman asked with kind eyes and a smile.

"Oh,,,,,oh, no.  Just thinking about...."  Ana gave a fake smile back, shaking her head to rid herself of the memory of the last time she was in the bank.  "I'm just daydreaming, thank you though, have a nice day." 

The woman smiled back and stepped to an empty teller window.  Ana drew a deep breath.  Why is this so hard?  Why all of a sudden am I thinking about that day?  She absently rolled the pen between the fingers on her right hand and moved the withdrawal slip back and forth on the granite top of the customer stand.  I haven't been in here since that day.  Perhaps this is why I won't allow myself to come back in here.  Her mind's eye showed her the image of herself again that day, only this time there was blood on the gray hoodie and her lip was swollen and cut.  Blood was running out of the corner of her mouth and she could hear Jack Hyde's voice.....

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