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                                       3 pow
It all starts in the island of Patch. A small house stands with lights shining through the windows, thruogh one of them we can see a family sitting by the table and having  dinner. From the first look you could  say that here lives a happy family , but that's far from the truth, at least that's how Y/n feels. To young Y/n this family are monster. You might wonder why let's see. Let's go to the there first meeting
4 Year‘s back
Y/n pow (Y/n is 5 year old at the time if you wondered, Yang is 3, Ruby is 1)
Location Patch orphanage
As i walk down the corridors of the orphanage wondering what today will bring I get called by one of the nuns that takes care of us.
(Nun)‘Y/n come here there is a family that wants to meet you'
When I heard those words I felt so excited, boy was I wrong, I ran to the nun that called me. She took me by the hand and started leading me twords the meeting rooms. When we reached them I was a bit nervous, the nun opened the door and we entered, and then I saw them the rose /xaio long ( is that how you spell it?) family. I felt happy, they looked like a nice and good family. There stood  a man a woman and two children, both seemed tho by girls. The man was tall with, yellow hair, tanned skin and light blue eyes.
(Tai)‘ So this is the boy you told so much about‘
The man said with a warm smile.
(Nun)‘Yes, come one Y/n say hi to the xaio long/ rose family'
(Y/n)‘Hi I  Y Y/n..‘ I said nervously.
((Tai)Cheerfully)‘ Hi , Y/n I am Taiyang xaio long, this is my wife Summer Rose she is holding Rube Rose and the little sunshine that is hiding behind my leg is yang xaio long'
(Yang)‘Dad I'm not hiding I'm just... I'm..‘ yang tries to come up with an excuse but fails  because of this she goes red from embarrassment and anger, Tai just Laughs out of his duoghter.
3 pow
The conversation continuous as Y/n gets to know them more and the rose/Xaio long family learn about Y/n
Time skip 1 week later
We see Y/n leaving the orphanage with his new family. From now one it's not just Y/n now it's Y/n xian long.Y/n is smiles  while he thinks about that.
Time skip 1 month later
Y/n , Yang and ruby are playing as Tai goes to the kitchen to pick up the phone.
(Phone ???) ‘ Tai I got some bad new‘s'
(Tai)‘About what' Tai asked nervously
(Phone ???)‘ It's about Summer , Tai I'm sorry she didn't make it back alive from the mission‘
(Tai)‘What. No no this can't be happening. I can't lose some one again‘
(Phone ???)‘Tai Qrow and i will be at Patch soon to help you as much as we can‘
A week later the funeral of Summer Rose happens. Tai starts drinking to forget the pain. One such day while Tai came home drunk he entered the kitchen to see Y/n trying to collect peaces of the plate that he broke. That infuriated Tai so started hitting Y/n. For the next 1 year Tai would  beat and insulted Y/n to get his anger out. Still that wasn't enough to break Y/n no matter how many times Tai would hit him he would stand up. But that made Tai even more angry that a child is more strong willed than him, that this child thinks he's better than him. The next year Yang started joining Tai when he would insult Y/n at the end of the second year of Y/n abuse she would join in Y/n beatings. For the next 2 years Y/n would be abused hardly, but he would never break. During those years Y/n had started to train his body to the point that Tai's punches felt like nothing, he only would act that he passes out after they beat him fo a hour, so that those monsters would be satisfied. So now you know the reason of Y/n hate let's return to the current time
Y/n pow
I was in my room putting bandages on my wounds that Tai inflicted on my right hand.
(Y/n)in your mind „If this was a normal day I would feel hate twords Tai. But today was different tomorrow I escape. You wondering how well tomorrow Yang will take ruby on her stupid quest to find about her mother and Tai will be out for a mission it's the perfect opportunity.“
Y/n starts to smile and chuckle soon the chuckles become into a full blown maniacal laughter. You calm yourself down that the family would not hear you. You finish bandaging yourself, and decide to sleep.
(Y/n)in mind“ I should rest because I will need all of my strength for tomorrow“
Time skip to the nex day, midday.
I stand next to the window as i see Yang leave with Ruby finally all of those demons are gone. Time to get some supplies and leave to the port town in the east it will take like two hours to get there, from there to the mainland and then I'm free from this (Y/n is 9 when he leaves). I know what I should do before I leave writer them a leather about how I  hate them and how I wish thaem to die. You find yourself a pen and some paper and writte your goodbay at the end of the leather you writte
:fuck you all, and i hope you all die.
Now it's time to leave. You pick up your backpack open the door find the pat that leads east and start running.
Time skip two hours later
Finally I reached it. Now I need to find a ship that goes to the mainland and I'm set. I got to the port, asking people if there are any ships going to the mainland of Vale. I should ask that sailor looking person
(Y/n)‘ Sir hi, do you know of any ships heading to Vale today‘
(Sailor)‘why yes lad there is a ship heading there today, it's that one' he points twords a cargo type vessel.
Today must be my lucky day there is one now I need a plan to sneak in. There seem to be some cargo that wasn't yet put into the ship I'll hide there. Avoiding people sights I start getting closer to the your hiding place. That was rather easy wel it not like you will complain about it. It start to feel like everything is moving so i guess I'm in the ship the traveller might be long so I'll sleep for a bit.
Time skip to the evening
3 pow
We can see as the cargo beginning to be unloaded waking Y/n up. Y/n opens the boxes top a bit to see if the coast is clear. He only sees evening darkness so he makes a run for to find the exit out of this storehouse . The doors were quite big so it was easy to find. Y/n exists the building to see a city, the name was Vale.
(Y/n)‘ I might of slept for to long, shit, well it's not so bad i would of went to Vale anyway so it's fine. Okay now first thing of businesses were am I sleeping, maybe there's a train station or a park near by , huh god is that a no come one give my a bone or something‘ it starts to rain‘  fuck, just great that's what I needed, god your so helpful‘ Y/n said while running to the nearest  place to hide frome the rain. Y/n noticed a abounded building so he ran to it. He decided to spend the night there.
Time skip to 2 years later
Y/n survived the years by stealing from people. He lived in the abounded building. Sometimes tugs from the streets would try to force Y/n to give them wat he stole, but Y/n wasn't the weak boy, he would beat the crap out of any person that tried to rob him, some were beaten so badly they would not see the tomorrow, dying from the injuries. But because of that he had to leave the cops and hunters were on to him so he left to Atlas because he heard there was were the most illegal fighting matches happened
Taking the lien he had saved he left for Atlas. For the next 6 year he would comit small thefts and fight in illegal matches almost always winning. He had one lost against a genetically modified gorilla faunus.  gaining a reputation of a unbeatable fighter, some of the matches would end in the deaths of your opponent in a single punch. So people started calling you DOOMFIST. Y/n didn't mind being called that.
Time skip to wen Y/n is 19 years old
Y/n pow
I wake up with a killing head ace. What happen yesterday. I open my I while holding my head with my hand and what I see surprise me. My hand was covered in blood but it wasn't mine. Who does this belongs to I look around to find the answers but what I see terrifies as i jump out of the bed me there was a girls body on the bed with a cut throat. Did i do that...... no no i wouldn't maybe i killed some people i wouldn't kill a woman. Then I hear  knocking  on the door. Knock.. knock.. knock ..
(???)‘Open up it's the atlas police, we have been called here to investigate some noise so please open up'
I start to lose my shit I can't go tho prison. I see the window run up to it I trie to open it but it doesn't budge so i wrapped my hand and break it.
(Atlas police)‘ what was the sound, sir open up or were breaking the door down in.. 3.2.) I jump out thank oum it was only the secon floor. While jumping i heard the door fly open and officers shouting after him. I guess they ment me. So I make a run for it, unfortunately for me wen I run out of the alley way I get shrouded by atlas military police. And that's wen i understand that I'm done for but still I will never go down without a fight so I charge the closest officer punching with every thing I have. They open fire thank oum they used teaser. Some misse, some hit but I'm still standing so I charge another. Rince and repeat until you had taken put 6 of them with 9 left. I can barely stand and the is still so many left i guess it's my unlucky day. You see a woman  walk in front of them and you know who she is.
(Y/n)‘ Winter, fucking, Shnee what are you doing here‘
Winter draws her dueling saber ( i think that what you call her weapon) and get in a dueling stance
(Winter)‘Removing scum from the streets‘
(Y/n)‘ That's not what I meant. Why does atlas army's lieutenant here dealing with a small fray like me'
Winter charges twords me I barely dodge her. Shes faster than me this is bad. And I'm still sluggish from all those teaser shots.
(Winter)‘ Were not going to underestimate you anymore Doomfist'
Shit thay know who I am. I got lost in thought after her words leaving myself open for her to attach  an she used the opportunity to knock me out.
Time skip to wen Y/n wakes up
I shot up from my seat but something stopped me from standing full height I'm 7‘2 foot tall I look down to see I'm chained to a table and that I'm in an interrogation room. Then it hits me that bich arrested me. Fuck this is bad, they going to put me in jail for fucking eternity, it not every day you get to pin a crime to the Doomfist the criminal who had escape theirs grasp many times because they didn't have enough evidence. The door is opened an here walks in Ironduche with the smugest smile I have ever seen a man do.
(Ironwood)‘ Finally I have you in my grasp Doomfist‘
(Y/n)with venomous voice I said‘ Yeah fuck you to. Better drop that smug smile of your or ill beat it of myself‘
(Ironwood)‘Ah it seem you don't understand yet Doomfist. Your done for there not a single thing that can save you now. You'll be stuck in prison for your rest of measly life'
He doesn't stop acting all high and mighty, so I try to rip of the chain and jump at him sadly I fail. Ironwood just laughs and heads twords the door opens it
(Ironwood)‘Get this animal out of here and set up a transport for him to the highest security prison, the Alcatraz‘
(Soldier)‘ Yes sir‘
(Ironwood)‘And wen you transport him knock him out for safety measures‘
(Soldier)‘Will do sir‘
Last thing i see is a soldier anther the room and everything goes black.
Time skip
You awakened by a bucket of water poured onto your face
(Warden)‘Look who decided to wake up, the sleeping beauty.‘ some gourds laughs from the joke and receive a death starred by my.‘Get up you scum were going to show you your new home.‘ two gourds grab you from the sides and and force you to stand with some trouble because of your weight.
The person you guess is the warden starts to walk forward one of the guards poked you in the back so you started walking they showed you the prison than you were brought to your cell. And pushed you in locked the cell and left. And i decided to start training.
3 weeks before the event of RWBY
Y/n pow (Y/n is 20 years old)
Soon I will bee free just one more day
Boom Cliff hanger yeah the chapter kinda got to long  i couldn't stop writing and don't worry next chapter the story will start

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